Must-see hotels in Northern Ethiopia

  • Limalimo Lodge

    Simien Mountains National Park

    Now here's something really special – one of the best places to stay in Ethiopia. The location is the best in the Simiens, with incredible views from the…

  • Tim & Kim Village

    Northern Ethiopia

    Just over the hill west of Gorgora, this Dutch-run spot is in an idyllic lakeside valley. The six solar-powered thatch-and-stone cottages are cosy and the…

  • Hotel Maribela


    Of all the hotels lined up along the ridges that face out over the valleys and mountains, this is the one we like best. With just 15 rooms, it has a more…

  • Old Abyssinia Lodge


    There were just three tukul-style rooms here when we visited, but they certainly caught our eye. Stunning wood furnishings, many with intricately carved…

  • Agoro Lodge

    Northern Ethiopia

    Easily Adigrat's best place to stay, Agoro Lodge sits high on a hill 4km south of town. The rooms and public areas are built of sandstone and are large…

  • Gozamen Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    Easily Debre Markos' best, this newish hotel has large, immaculate rooms that still look as new as when they opened in 2014. Windows in some of the rooms…

  • Pension Everlasting

    Simien Mountains National Park

    Our pick of the budget options in Debark, Pension Everlasting has a friendly English-speaking owner and a fine little restaurant where mostly local,…

  • Sona Hotel

    Simien Mountains National Park

    With undoubtedly the best rooms in Debark, Sona Hotel is a good choice. It has a bar, probably the town's best restaurant (mains Birr80 to Birr120) and…

  • Simien Lodge

    Simien Mountains National Park

    At 3260m this is Africa’s highest hotel. The thatch-and-stone tukuls are large and comfy, although many travellers feel they don’t get nearly enough for…

  • Lalibela Hudad


    This peaceful ecolodge in the hills above Lalibela (five hours by foot: many people use mules, and it's possible to drive to within an hour's walk) has…

  • Tukul Village Hotel


    The prices here haven't risen in years and that makes them even better value. While many tukul-rooms in Ethiopian hotels are dark, here they're filled…

  • Sora Lodge Lalibela


    A friendly place out on the tip of one of Lalibela's many ridges, Sora Lodge has a modern main building with tidy rooms and sweeping views from the upper…

  • Awra Amba Guesthouse

    Northern Ethiopia

    Awra Amba's simple guesthouse (earthen walls, sheet-metal doors and a bathroom out back) has about the cleanest shoestring lodging you’ll ever see. Be…

  • Ethio-German Park Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    Just past the turn-off to the monastery along the main Addis–Bahir Dar road, this simple lodge makes the most of its gorge views and is a popular pit stop…

  • Guassa Community Lodge

    Northern Ethiopia

    This place has four simple but almost-cosy upper-floor bedrooms, plus a lounge with fireplace and a kitchen. It’s still quite rustic, but small…

  • Lal Hotel


    Ask many locals which is Lalibela's best hotel, and they'll tell you this place. It's certainly the biggest with 100 rooms, and while it does have a…

  • Lal Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    This is the best available hotel. Turn into the entrance and it looks inviting, but enter and you’ll find deferred maintenance and a lack of hot water in…

  • Mountain View Hotel


    Built by two former tour guides who received a miraculous business loan from a generous tourist, this comfortable hotel has an enviable perch with great…

  • Bahre Negash International Resort

    Northern Ethiopia

    High on a hill overlooking the city at the entrance to town as you're coming from Gonder, the Bahre Negash has fine views from its city-facing rooms –…

  • Selam Guest House


    An all-round good deal in the centre of town, this place has recently built an entirely new wing and the rooms are spick and span and really rather good…

  • Cliff Edge Hotel


    This is one of the better deals among the places lined up along the edge of the ridge, with fine views and nicely decorated rooms – the traditional…

  • Campsite

    Northern Ethiopia

    At this basic camping area out in the wild there are two campsites with no facilities. As long as you're self-sufficient in everything from food and water…

  • Qualiber Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    Exceptionally clean and well cared for, Qualiber defies the norm for older hotels. We can’t quite call it cosy, but this whitewashed spot on a quiet…

  • Tilik Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    This place paints a fairly unimpressive picture from the outside, but don't be deterred. All rooms have mini-fridges, satellite TVs, little balconies,…

  • Lalibela Hotel


    Nothing to write home about, but you won't mind being here while you do so. The rooms are simple but very reasonable for the price and the setting, just…

  • Hotel Melbourne

    Northern Ethiopia

    Dessie's best midrange hotel has well-appointed rooms (ask for one at the back to avoid the considerable street noise), a good restaurant and decent…

  • Hikma Pension

    Northern Ethiopia

    This simple spot on the town's top traffic circle (where the road to Bati enters town) has good rooms on the top (2nd) floor, but the rest are cramped,…

  • Sunny Side Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    It takes some chutzpah to let your hotel decay over the years and still boldly raise your prices. This once-appealing hotel is overpriced, not always…

  • Gorgora Port Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    An old, rather than historic, hotel with a range of rooms, but all except Mengistu’s old cottage are tired and the epitome of government-hotel neglect…

  • Asheton Hotel


    This classic budget-traveller haunt offers older whitewashed rooms – don't be fooled by the intricately carved doorways as what lies within is far simpler…

  • Simien Park Hotel

    Simien Mountains National Park

    About 1km north of park headquarters, this is one of Debark's more popular hotels, but that has more to do with a lack of choice than any innate quality…

  • Logo Haik Lodge

    Northern Ethiopia

    The bungalows here, near where the road down from the village ends at the lake, are actually rather nice. But the restaurant is a fair walk away along the…

  • Red Rock Lalibela Hotel


    One of a number of lower-midrange places scattered around the centre of town, the Red Rock is typical of the genre – it won't win any style awards but it…

  • Hohoma Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    Probably the best of Adigrat's cheapies, Hohoma has basic, simple rooms with satellite TV and slow wi-fi. The downstairs cafe does an excellent version of…

  • Time Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    Bland modern rooms at the northern end of town may not sound all that appealing, but they're fine for a night and the restaurant's one of the better…

  • Setit Humera Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    Setit Humera Hotel is in the town centre, not far from the bus station. It's fine for a night but if you're here because Aksum is full, you'll likely be…

  • Alief Paradise Hotel


    Alef’s reasonable new rooms are bright, tiled and clean, with bathtubs and partial views. The older rooms, though dark and uninspiring, are still decent…

  • Unique Landscape Hotel

    Simien Mountains National Park

    One of the quieter options along Debark's main street, the Landscape has basic but generally OK rooms out the back, but a pretty ordinary restaurant, so…

  • Gebar Shire Hotel

    Northern Ethiopia

    A passable hotel on the main roundabout in the centre of town, Gebar Shire has tidy if unexciting rooms; those at the rear of the building are quieter.

  • Jaint Lobelia Hotel

    Simien Mountains National Park

    Similar in standard to the other places around town, but with slightly older furnishings, this place only warrants a mention because it has bathtubs.