Must-see attractions in Pioneer Valley

  • Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame

    Pioneer Valley

    It was Springfield where, in 1891, a young Canadian physical education instructor called James Naismith first invented basketball. The game is celebrated…

  • Amazing World of Dr Seuss

    Pioneer Valley

    This innovative museum is dedicated to the life and work of Springfield native Theodore Geisel, aka Dr Seuss. On the 1st floor, interactive exhibits use…

  • Emily Dickinson Museum

    Pioneer Valley

    During her lifetime, Emily Dickinson (1830–86) published only seven poems, but more than 1000 were discovered and published posthumously, and her verses…

  • Skinner State Park

    Pioneer Valley

    This mountaintop park, at the summit of Mt Holyoke, peaks out at a rather modest-sounding height of 942ft. But that's high enough to earn the visitor…

  • Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

    Pioneer Valley

    Co-founded by the author and illustrator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, this superb museum celebrates book illustrations from around the world with…

  • West Cemetery

    Pioneer Valley

    For a peek at Amherst's colorful past, make your way to the West Cemetery, between Triangle St and N Pleasant St. Here you'll find the graves of Amherst's…

  • Mount Holyoke College

    Pioneer Valley

    The nation's oldest women's college, founded in 1837, is in the center of South Hadley, the southernmost and sleepiest of the Five College towns. The…

  • Leverett Peace Pagoda

    Pioneer Valley

    The world can always do with a little more peace. A group of monks, nuns and volunteers are doing their part in an unexpected spot in the woods near the…

  • Glacial Potholes

    Pioneer Valley

    Stones trapped swirling in the roiling Deerfield River have been grinding into the rock bed at this location ever since the ice age. The result: 50 near…

  • Historic Deerfield Village

    Pioneer Valley

    The main street of Historic Deerfield Village escaped the ravages of time and now presents a noble prospect: a dozen houses dating from the 1700s and…

  • Museum of Fine Arts

    Pioneer Valley

    The 20 galleries of this art deco–style building are filled with lesser paintings of the great European masters and better works of lesser masters. The…

  • Amherst College

    Pioneer Valley

    Founded in 1821, Amherst College has retained its character and quality partly by maintaining its small size (1850 students). The scenic campus lies just…

  • Dr Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden

    Pioneer Valley

    Life-size bronze sculptures of the Cat in the Hat and other wonky characters look beseechingly at passers-by at the Dr Seuss National Memorial Sculpture…

  • Dinosaur Footprints

    Pioneer Valley

    Around 190 million years ago, the Pioneer Valley area was a subtropical swamp inhabited by carnivorous, two-legged dinosaurs, and a large cluster of their…

  • Smith College Museum of Art

    Pioneer Valley

    This impressive campus museum boasts a 25,000-piece collection. The collection is particularly strong in 19th- and 20th-century European and North…

  • Smith College

    Pioneer Valley

    Founded 'for the education of the intelligent gentlewoman' in 1875, Smith College is one of the largest women's colleges in the country, with 2600…

  • Museum of Springfield History

    Pioneer Valley

    Showcasing the city's distant heyday, this museum is home to the Esta Mantos Indian Motocycle collection (the world's largest). There's also a huge…

  • Smith Art Museum

    Pioneer Valley

    This museum has exterior windows designed by Tiffany Studios and a fine collection of 19th-century American and European paintings, textiles, ceramics and…

  • Springfield Museums

    Pioneer Valley

    The Springfield Museums surround Museum Quadrangle, two blocks northeast of Court Sq. Out front, look for the Augustus Saint-Gaudens statue The Puritan…

  • Mead Art Museum

    Pioneer Valley

    A small but scintillating collection of art works that span the globe, ranging from American and European paintings to Mexican pottery to West African…

  • Bridge of Flowers

    Pioneer Valley

    Since 1929, volunteers have maintained this bridge of blooms over the Deerfield River. It's one photogenic civic centerpiece. More than 500 varieties of…

  • Beneski Museum of Natural History

    Pioneer Valley

    Kids will dig the enormous woolly mammoth and dinosaur skeletons at this museum on the campus of Amherst College. Exhibits focus on the geological history…

  • Springfield Armory National Historic Site

    Pioneer Valley

    This National Historic Site preserves what remains of the USA's greatest federal armory, built under the command of General George Washington during the…

  • Memorial Hall Museum

    Pioneer Valley

    Here's the original building of Deerfield Academy (1798), the prestigious preparatory school in town. It's now a museum of Pocumtuck Valley life and…

  • Hampshire College

    Pioneer Valley

    The region's most innovative center of learning is Hampshire College, 3 miles south of Amherst center on MA 116. Students here don't pick a major in the…

  • University of Massachusetts

    Pioneer Valley

    The enormous University of Massachusetts at Amherst illustrates the distinction between public and private higher education in the US. Founded in 1863 as…

  • Lyman Conservatory

    Pioneer Valley

    Visitors are welcome to explore Smith College's collection of Victorian greenhouses, set opposite Paradise Pond, which are packed to the brim with odd…

  • Springfield Science Museum

    Pioneer Valley

    This museum possesses a respectable, if slightly outdated, range of natural history and science exhibits. The Dinosaur Hall has a full-size replica of a…

  • Summit House

    Pioneer Valley

    At the summit of Mt Holyoke, a former hotel dating from 1861 is now a museum and visitor center. Old photographs show Summit House as it was in its heyday…