Hotel Solar dos Pachecos

The Douro

Occupying an impressive 18th-century nobleman’s city home, this central place offers clean, carpeted rooms with exposed stone walls, ample light, high ceilings and wide terraces out the back.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby The Douro attractions


0.06 MILES

Older than Portugal itself, Lamego’s striking sé has been declared a national monument. There is little left of the 12th-century original except the base…

2. Museu de Lamego

0.11 MILES

Occupying a grand 18th-century episcopal palace, the Museu de Lamego is one of Portugal’s finest regional museums. The collection features five entrancing…

3. Castelo


Climb the narrow, winding Rua do Castelo to this modest medieval castle, encircled by a clutch of ancient stone houses. Little remains here – just some…

4. Igreja Santa Maria de Almacave

0.23 MILES

This unassuming little church is Lamego’s oldest surviving building, much of it dating back to the 12th century. It’s thought that after winning…

5. Igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

0.55 MILES

One of the country’s most important pilgrimage sites, this twin-towered, 18th-century church has a trim blue-and-white stucco interior with a sky-blue…

6. Capela de São Pedro de Balsemão

1.48 MILES

This mysterious little chapel was probably built by Visigoths as early as the 6th century. With Corinthian columns, round arches and intriguing symbols…

7. Museu do Douro

4.59 MILES

Bringing the Douro Valley's wine-producing history vividly to life, this wonderful museum has a wealth of artefacts and engaging displays, from a vast…

8. Mosteiro de Salzedas

5.19 MILES

With picturesque pink stone arches, the Cistercian Mosteiro de Salzedas is located 3km up the Barosa valley from Ucanha in Salzedas. This was one of the…