Must-see attractions in Silesia

  • Gates to Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration Camp, Poland; Shutterstock ID 135123005; Your name (First / Last): Gemma Graham; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: BiT Destination Page Images

    Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial & Museum


    Auschwitz-Birkenau is synonymous with the Holocaust. More than a million Jews, and many Poles and Roma, were murdered here by German Nazis during WWII…

  • Auschwitz I


    Auschwitz I was only partially destroyed by the fleeing Germans, and many of the original brick buildings stand to this day as a bleak testament to the…

  • Birkenau (Auschwitz II)


    Though much of Birkenau was destroyed by the retreating Germans, the size of the place, fenced off with long lines of barbed wire and watchtowers…

  • Wałbrzych, Poland - September 8, 2020: Beautiful architecture of the Książ Castle in Lower Silesia, Poland.; Shutterstock ID 1828256156; your: Bridget Brown; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: POI Image Update

    Książ Castle

    Lower Silesia

    This impossibly photogenic castle, the largest in Silesia, commands a thickly wooded prominence in Książ. Following the destruction of an earlier…

  • A hallway located in a fortress in K?odzko. Many windows with arches create beautiful shadows

    Kłodzko Fortress

    Sudetes Mountains

    This mighty fortification, begun under Austrian rule in the mid-17th century on the site of former strongholds dating to the 10th century, was extended…

  • Góry Stołowe National Park

    Sudetes Mountains

    The Góry Stołowe (goo-ri sto-wo-veh; Table Mountains) are among the most spectacular ranges of the Sudetes, as they’re topped by a plateau punctuated by…

  • Panorama of Racławice


    Wrocław’s pride and joy is this giant painting of the battle for Polish independence fought at Racławice on 4 April 1794, between the Polish army led by…

  • Church of Peace

    Lower Silesia

    This magnificent building, the largest baroque timber church in Europe, was erected between 1656 and 1657 in just 10 months. The builders were not trying…

  • Wang Church

    Sudetes Mountains

    Karpacz has a curious architectural gem – Wang Church, the only Nordic Romanesque building in Poland. Pronounced 'Vang', this remarkable wooden structure…

  • Wrocław Dwarves


    See if you can spot the tiny bronze statue of a dwarf resting on the ground, just to the west of the Hansel & Gretel houses. A few metres away you’ll spot…

  • Silesian Museum


    A symbol of Katowice's transition from a centre of heavy industry to one of culture, the Silesian Museum sits in an ingeniously repurposed coal mine in…

  • Old Town Hall


    This glorious Gothic edifice, Wrocław's quintessential photo opportunity, took shape over more than 200 years. The right-hand part of the eastern facade,…

  • Museum of Katowice History at Nikiszowiec


    This branch of Katowice's museum, an ethnographic exploration of working-class and industrial life in Upper Silesia, lies in the distinctive suburb of…

  • Church of the Holy Name of Jesus


    Wrocław University's baroque-rococo church is arguably the most beautiful in the city. It was built by the Jesuits in the 1690s on the site of the former…

  • Cathedral of SS James and Agnes


    Nysa’s mighty cathedral dominates the northern end of the Rynek with its imposing walls of time-soiled brick and a vast gabled roof – one of the steepest…

  • Franciscan Church of the Holy Trinity


    This church off the southern corner of the Rynek was built of brick around 1330. It boasts an ornate high altar, an 18th-century organ and a domed…

  • Chapel of Skulls

    Sudetes Mountains

    You can’t miss this macabre chapel in the Church of St Bartholomew’s grounds at Czermna, 2km north of Kudowa’s town centre. The length of its walls and…

  • Underground Tourist Route

    Sudetes Mountains

    This interesting set of tunnels dates in parts to the 13th century. The 600m route, enlivened by audiovisual exhibits, links cellars, warehouses for…

  • University of Wrocław


    Established by the Jesuits in the early 18th century, the University of Wrocław's main edifice was built between 1728 and 1742. While it's very much a…

  • Cathedral of St Mary Magdalene


    One block east of the Rynek is this mighty Gothic red-brick cathedral, dating to the 14th century. Its showpiece is a Romanesque portal from around 1280…

  • Trail in the mountains with sun above the head - Karkonosze; Shutterstock ID 592805762; Your name (First / Last): Gemma Graham; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: BiT Destination Page Images

    Karkonosze National Park

    Sudetes Mountains

    Karkonosze National Park is a 55.75-sq-km belt that runs along the Polish–Czech border for some 25km. The two main settlements here are the resort towns…

  • National Museum


    Wrocław's National Museum is a treasure trove of fine art from across the ages. Medieval sculpture is displayed on the ground floor; exhibits include the…

  • Aula Leopoldinum


    On the first floor of the main building of the University of Wrocław, this ceremonial hall is Wrocław's most beautiful baroque interior, embellished with…

  • The Anonymous Pedestrians


    Also known as Passage, this arresting sculpture depicts seven bronze pedestrians literally being swallowed by the pavement, only to re-emerge on the other…

  • Botanical Gardens


    Cathedral Island contains the city’s botanical gardens, a charming patch of greenery that's part of the University of Wrocław, serving educational and…

  • Ślęża Landscape Park

    Lower Silesia

    Some 34km southwest of Wrocław, the solitary forested cone of Mt Ślęża rises to 718m above the surrounding open plain. It was one of the holy places of an…

  • Castle Museum


    This grandiose ducal residence dates back to the 12th century, when the Opole dukes built a hunting lodge here. Rebuilt as a Renaissance palace in the…

  • Lubuski Regional Museum

    Lower Silesia

    The regional museum houses a collection of Silesian religious art from the 14th to 18th centuries, a fascinating clock gallery and a permanent exhibition…

  • Church of SS Stanislaus and Wenceslas

    Lower Silesia

    East of the Rynek, this massive Gothic stone building has a facade adorned with four elegant 15th-century doorways and an 18m-high window (the stained…

  • Museum of Architecture


    Taking over both artefacts and premises from the former Silesian Museum of Artistic Crafts and Antiquities, the Museum of Architecture is located in a…

  • Cathedral of Christ the King


    With a base measuring 89m by 53m, this is Poland's largest cathedral. Erected between 1927 and 1955, the neoclassical sandstone basilica's progress was…

  • Rynek

    Lower Silesia

    The Old Town’s market square contains a bit of every architectural style – from baroque to postwar concrete structures – the cumulative effect of…

  • Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park


    This sprawling open-air museum contains scores of traditional wooden buildings spread over 20 hectares, representing architectural styles from Upper…

  • Nysa Museum


    Established in Nysa's grand 17th-century Bishops' Palace in 1897, this museum exhibits include local archaeology from prehistory to early modern times…

  • Church of Our Lady on the Sand


    This lofty 14th-century building dominates the tiny islet known as Sand Island (Wyspa Piasek). Almost all the fittings were destroyed during WWII and the…

  • Hansel & Gretel


    Set in the northwestern corner of the Rynek are two charming houses known locally as Jaś i Małgosia, better known to English and German speakers as Hansel…

  • Rynek


    The city's central market square is not lined with historical burghers' houses as you’d find elsewhere in Silesia, but is instead encircled by drab…

  • Museum of Bourgeois Art


    The main attraction here is the Gothic interior of the Old Town Hall (Stary Ratusz). Look for the Great Hall (Sala Wielka) on the 1st floor, with carved…

  • Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

    Sudetes Mountains

    Jelenia Góra’s main attraction is this massive church. One of six new churches permitted by the 1707 Treaty of Altranstädt, it was built between 1709 and…

  • Basilica of SS Erasmus and Pancras

    Sudetes Mountains

    This basilica was erected in two stages in the late 14th and early 15th centuries; note the Gothic doorway in the southern entrance portraying Mary and St…