Must-see attractions in Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

  • Representation of The Feather Serpent during spring equinox in Kukulkan Pyramid, Chichen Itza. This spectacular phenomenon occurs only twice a year: on 21 March and 22 September. During these two days the temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza lives a mysterious marvel related to the Maya religious tradition and worship the God Quetzalcoatl. A phenomenon that concentrates thousands of visitors who travel every year to watch the descent of "The Feathered Serpent".

    Chichén Itzá

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Chichén Itzá, meaning 'mouth of the well of the Itzáes' in Mayan, is a stunning ruin well worth visiting for its spectacular, iconic structures and…

  • Pyramid of Magician - Uxmal

    Uxmal Ruins

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Pronounced oosh-mahl, Uxmal's size and uniqueness make it a fascinating stop for ruin-lovers and novices alike. The top draws are the oddly shaped…

  • Labná

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    This is the Ruta Puuc site not to miss. Archaeologists believe that, at one point in the 9th century, some 3000 Maya lived at Labná. To support such…

  • Gran Museo del Mundo Maya


    A world-class museum celebrating Maya culture, the Gran Museo houses a permanent collection of more than 1100 remarkably well-preserved artifacts,…

  • Hacienda Yaxcopoil

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    If you visit one hacienda, make it this one. This vast estate grew and processed henequén (agave plant fibers, used to make rope); many of its numerous…

  • Regional Museum of Anthropology, housed in a 19th century building, Paseo de Montejo, Merida, Yucatan State, Mexico, North America

    Palacio Cantón


    This massive mansion was built between 1909 and 1911, though its owner, General Francisco Cantón Rosado (1833–1917), lived here for only six years before…

  • Flamingos

    Reserva de la Biosfera Ría Celestún


    The 591-sq-km Reserva de la Biosfera Ría Celestún is home to a huge variety of animals and birdlife, including a large flamingo colony. You can see…

  • Casa de los Venados


    Featuring over 3000 pieces of museum-quality Mexican folk art, this private collection is interesting in that objects are presented in an actual private…

  • El Castillo (Temple of Kukulkan), Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

    El Castillo

    Chichén Itzá

    Upon entering Chichén Itzá, El Castillo (aka the Pyramid of Kukulcán) rises before you in all its grandeur. The first temple here was pre-Toltec, built…

  • ring carved on the Great ball court of Chichen Itza

    Gran Juego de Pelota

    Chichén Itzá

    The great ball court, the largest and most impressive in Mexico, is only one of the city’s eight courts, indicative of the importance the games held here…

  • Cuadrángulo de las Monjas

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    The 74-room, sprawling Nuns’ Quadrangle is directly west of the Casa del Adivino. Archaeologists guess variously that it was a military academy, royal…

  • Palacio del Gobernador

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    The Governor’s Palace, with its magnificent facade nearly 100m long, is arguably the most impressive structure at Uxmal. The buildings have walls filled…

  • Sotuta de Peón

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Sotuta de Peón, 32km south of Mérida, is the only working henequén hacienda in the world. Jump aboard a horse and cart and view the henequén process from…

  • Casa del Adivino

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    As you approach Uxmal, the Casa del Adivino comes into view. This 35m-high temple (the name translates as ‘Magician’s House’) was built in an unusual oval…

  • Akab-Dzib

    Chichén Itzá

    East of the Nunnery, the Puuc-style Akab-Dzib is thought by some archaeologists to be the most ancient structure excavated here. The central chambers date…

  • Uxmal

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Uxmal, pronounced oosh-mahl, is an extremely impressive set of ruins, easily ranking among the top Maya archaeological sites alongside Chichén Itzá and…

  • Gran Pirámide

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    The 30m-high, nine-tiered pyramid has been restored only on its northern side. Archaeologists theorize that the quadrangle at its summit was largely…

  • Quinta Montes Molina


    This living history house gives you a sense of the splendor and grandeur of the 'Oro Verde' (Green Gold) henequén era. The only original house of its kind…

  • X'Canché Cenote

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    From the Ek’ Balam parking lot you can visit the X'Canché Cenote. From the entrance it's a 1.5km walk, or you can rent a bicycle (M$120) or pedicab (M$150…

  • Kabah, Maya archaeological site, Puuc road, Yucatan, Mexico


    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Kabah is one of the few Maya settlements in the area that has retained its original name (meaning 'the powerful hand'). Second only to Uxmal in the Puuc…

  • Dzibilchaltún

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Lying about 17km due north of central Mérida, Dzibilchaltún ('Place of Inscribed Flat Stones') was the longest continuously used Maya administrative and…

  • Pre-hispanic pottery is displayed in Balankanche cave near Chichen Itza on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula

    Grutas de Balankanché

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    In 1959 a guide to the Chichén Itzá ruins was exploring a cave on his day off when he came upon a narrow passageway. He followed the passageway for 300m,…

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    Catedral de San Ildefonso


    On the site of a former Maya temple is Mérida’s hulking, severe cathedral, begun in 1561 and completed in 1598. Some of the stone from the Maya temple was…

  • Ek

    Ek' Balam

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    The fascinating ruined city of Ek' Balam reached its peak in the 8th century, before being suddenly abandoned. Vegetation still covers much of the…

  • Casa de Montejo


    Casa de Montejo is on the south side of Plaza Grande and dates from 1540. It originally housed soldiers, but was soon converted into a mansion that served…

  • MEXICO - FEBRUARY 16: The Franciscan monastery of San Bernardino, Valladolid, Yucatan. Mexico, 16th century. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

    Templo de San Bernardino


    The Templo de San Bernardino and the adjacent Convento de Sisal are about 700m southwest of the plaza. They were constructed between 1552 and 1560 to…

  • Grutas de Loltún

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    One of the largest dry-cave systems on the Yucatán Peninsula, Loltún ('stone flower' in Maya) provided a treasure trove of data for archaeologists…

  • Ruinas de Mayapán

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Though far less impressive than many Maya sites, Mayapán is historically significant – it was one of the last major dynasties in the region and…

  • Grutas de Calcehtok

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    The Calcehtok caves are said to comprise the longest dry-cave system on the Yucatán Peninsula. More than 4km have been explored so far, and two of the…

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    Plaza Grande


    One of the nicest plazas in Mexico, huge laurel trees shade the park’s benches and wide sidewalks. It was the religious and social center of ancient T’ho;…

  • Palacio de Gobierno


    Built in 1892, the Palacio de Gobierno houses the state of Yucatán’s executive government offices (and a tourist office). Don't miss the wonderful murals…

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    Teatro Peón Contreras


    The enormous Teatro Peón Contreras was built between 1900 and 1908, during Mérida’s henequén heyday. It boasts a main staircase of Carrara marble, a dome…

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    Iglesia de Jesús


    The 17th-century Iglesia de Jesús was built by Jesuits in 1618. It's the sole surviving edifice from a complex of buildings that once filled the entire…

  • Oxkintok

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Archaeologists have been excited about the ruins of Oxkintok for several years. Inscriptions found at the site contain some of the oldest-known dates in…

  • Hacienda Real de Salinas


    This abandoned hacienda, a few kilometers southeast of town, once produced dyewood and salt, and served as a summer home for a Campeche family. It’s 5km…

  • Grupo de las Mil Columnas

    Chichén Itzá

    This group east of El Castillo pyramid takes its name – which means ‘Group of the Thousand Columns’ – from the forest of pillars stretching south and east…

  • Sayil

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Sayil is best known for El Palacio, the huge three-tiered building that has an 85m-long facade. The distinctive columns of Puuc architecture are used…

  • San Juan Bautista

    Yucatán State & the Maya Heartland

    Dating from around 1609, Tekax' church has been looted a couple of times, initially during the Caste War and later during the Mexican Revolution. Most…

  • Paseo de Montejo


    Paseo de Montejo, which runs parallel to Calles 56 and 58, was an attempt by Mérida’s 19th-century city planners to create a wide boulevard similar to the…

  • El Caracol

    Chichén Itzá

    Called El Caracol (the Snail) by the Spaniards for its interior spiral staircase, this observatory, to the south of the El Osario, is one of the most…