Must-see attractions in Dead Sea Highway

  • People at Amman Beach at the Dead Sea, Jordan.

    Amman Beach

    Dead Sea

    This public facility goes under the full title of Amman Beach Tourism Resort, Restaurant & Pools. The beach, 2km south of the main resort strip, gives…

  • Wadi Mujib Biosphere Reserve, Jordan.

    Mujib Biosphere Reserve

    Dead Sea Highway

    This wonderful reserve, which ranges from an altitude of 900m above sea level to 400m below, was originally established by the Royal Society for the…

  • Lot’s Cave

    Dead Sea Highway

    Lot's Cave, a stiff 10-minute climb up a steep flight of steps, is surrounded by the ruins of a small Byzantine church (5th to 8th centuries), a reservoir…

  • Dead Sea Panoramic Complex Lookout

    Dead Sea Highway

    Walk among cacti to this lookout, high above the Dead Sea, and then watch raptors wheel in the wadis below, and you will have to pinch yourself to think…

  • Dead Sea Museum

    Dead Sea Highway

    For a solid introduction to the geology, history and environment of the Dead Sea, spare an hour for this museum.

  • Lowest Point on Earth Museum

    Dead Sea Highway

    Near the start of the climb up to Lot's Cave is the literally titled Lowest Point on Earth Museum. Shaped like a giant stone comma, it contains…

  • Oh Beach

    Dead Sea

    This private beach, stepped down the hillside in a series of landscaped terraces and infinity pools, is a great way to enjoy the Dead Sea in comfort…

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