Necropoli di Pantalica

On a huge plateau above the Valle dell'Anapo is the site of Sicily's most important Iron and Bronze Age necropolis, the Necropoli di Pantalica, with more than 5000 tombs of various shapes and sizes honeycombed along the limestone cliffs. The site is terribly ancient, dating between the 13th and 8th century BC, and its origins are largely mysterious although it is thought to be the Siculi capital of Hybla, who gave the Greeks Megara Hyblaea in 664 BC.

Very little survives of the town itself other than the Anaktron or prince's palace.

Set aside half a day for the site, which is best explored with a knowledgeable guide – Pantalica Experience is a reputable operator. Don't forget to wear sensible hiking shoes and bring plenty of water.

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