Piazza Moro

A 400m walk north of Piazza del Popolo lies Piazza Moro, home to two exquisite baroque churches: the Chiesa Madre (on the southern flank) and the Chiesa di San Paolo (on the northern flank). Together they form a theatrical ensemble of columns, gargoyles and fleurs-de-lis. At the top of Via Annunziata (the main road leading right out of Piazza Moro) is another baroque treasures, the Chiesa dell'Annunziata, featuring a richly adorned portal of twirling columns.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Casa-Museo di Antonino Uccello

0.11 MILES

Off Piazza del Popolo is the former home of the poet and scholar Antonino Uccello (1922–79), a museum since 1984. Uccello devoted himself to preserving…

2. Piazza del Popolo

0.19 MILES

The heart of Palazzolo Acreide is Piazza del Popolo, a striking square dominated by the ornate bulk of the 18th-century Chiesa di San Sebastiano and the…

3. Area Archeologica di Akrai

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Accessed via a 20-minute uphill walk from Piazza del Popolo (or an easy drive up Via Teatro Greco), the archaeological park of Akrai is one of the area's…

4. Necropoli di Pantalica

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On a huge plateau above the Valle dell'Anapo is the site of Sicily's most important Iron and Bronze Age necropolis, the Necropoli di Pantalica, with more…

5. Museo dell'Olio

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This is the most interesting of Chiaramonte Gulfi's museums. While the highlight is an olive press from 1614, there's also a collection of old farming…

6. Giardino Ibleo

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7. Portale San Giorgio Vecchio

12.86 MILES

On the street to the right of the entrance of the Giardino Ibleo, eye up the Catalan Gothic portal of what was once the large Chiesa di San Giorgio…

8. Cinabro Carrettieri

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