Must-see shopping in El Salvador

  • Axul Artesanías

    Western El Salvador

    This store sells a range of handicrafts made by local artists and artisans, including beautiful handwoven tablecloths, painted boxes and jewelry. Bike…

  • Xocolatísimo

    San Salvador

    Since most of the country's cacao is exported, quality Salvadoran chocolate can be hard to find, but this chocolatier is the exception. The award-winning…

  • Galerías Escalón

    San Salvador

    Galerías has three air-conditioned levels of upscale clothing and jewelry stores, electronics stores, cell-phone offices, banks and a cinema. The mall is…

  • Arte Añil

    El Salvador

    Local indigo artist Irma Guadrón runs a cozy shop that specializes in high-quality indigo-dyed pieces; each one is meticulously handcrafted, and she…

  • Diconte-Axul

    Western El Salvador

    This store is popular for its homemade textiles, tie-dyes and hand-painted objects.

  • Market

    Western El Salvador

    Ataco's sprawling market makes for a fascinating stroll.

  • Mercado Ex-Cuartel

    San Salvador

    The Mercado Ex-Cuartel is a difficult place to navigate, but be patient and you'll find handmade hammocks and embroidered fabrics from across the country.

  • Mercado Central

    San Salvador

    Salvadoran city life at full throttle, the Mercado Central is the local favorite for clothes and electronics.

  • La Ceiba Libros

    San Salvador

    Stock up on Salvadoran history and literature in Spanish. There are four branches in the capital.

  • La Gran Vía

    San Salvador

    Large mall with a number of international chains, cafes, restaurants and a cinema.

  • Casa de la Abuela

    El Salvador

    If you're short on time and gifts, stop by this ever-expanding store that stocks handicrafts and artwork from the region.

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