Must-see attractions in Ngari

  • BP68C8 Western Tibet Tsaparang, Lhakhang Marpo

    Lhakhang Marpo


    This large building was constructed around 1470. The beautiful murals were repainted around 1630, shortly before the fall of the Guge kingdom. The…

  • Lhakhang Karpo


    The large Lhakhang Karpo holds the oldest paintings at Tsaparang and is probably the most important chapel in all of Ngari. The murals date back to the…

  • Chapel of the Prefect


    This small building was a private shrine for Tsaparang’s prefect or regent. The caretaker has named it the ‘Drölma Lhakhang’ after his own sculpture of…

  • King Tiger Hot Springs


    The Tagyel Chutse (King Tiger Hot Springs) are a Yellowstone-style collection of bubbling hot springs and puffing steam outlets that seem to lead straight…

  • Mt Kailash


    Sacred Mt Kailash dominates the landscape of western Tibet through both its unique geographical allure and its sacred, metaphysical role as the religious…

  • Gossul Monastery


    South of Chiu Monastery on the shore of Manasarovar, this charming 16th-century monastery has long been part of the Manasarovar kora but can now be…

  • Tsari Nam-tso


    One excellent half-day or overnight excursion from Tsochen is to Tsari (Zhari) Nam-tso, a huge and spectacular salt lake that remains totally undeveloped…

  • Tsaparang


    The citadel of Tsaparang, 18km west of Zanda, is one of Western Tibet's great hidden gems. Dozens of ruined residences and chapels dot a naturally…

  • Drapsang Monastery


    The dramatically situated Drapsang Monastery is a worthy detour off the main highway. Nuns will show you a skull-shaped rock and statues of Guru Rinpoche…

  • Tagyel-tso


    This large turquoise lake is one of Tibet's most beautiful and is a fine place to camp if you’re prepared for the cold and especially the altitude (around…

  • Thöling Monastery


    Founded by Rinchen Zangpo in the 10th century, Thöling Monastery was once Ngari’s most important monastic complex. Atisha stayed here for three years…

  • Seralung Monastery


    Seralung was built in 1728 to atone for a war against Ladakh. The most revered image is the central Jowo Katasapani; to the right is a statue of Kunchog…

  • Piyang


    The village of Piyang (4180m) lies at the foot of a large ridge honeycombed with thousands of caves and topped with a ruined monastery and two caves with…

  • Shangshung


    Down the Sutlej Valley, 3km past Khyunglung (曲龙, Qūlóng) village, is the extensive ruined cave city that is thought to have been Shangshung, western Tibet…

  • Dungkhar


    Fans of inner Asian art should visit Dungkhar (4250m) for its 800-year-old Kashmiri-Central Asian style wall paintings. There are three main caves in a…

  • Korjak Monastery


    The atmospheric blood-red Korjak Monastery (3790m) has been an important centre for the Sakya order since it was founded by Rinchen Zangpo in 996 as the…

  • Rutok Monastery


    The charming, white-painted traditional village of old Rutok huddles at the base of a splinter of rock, atop which is Rutok Monastery, flanked at both…

  • Yeshe Ö’s Mandala Chapel


    Once the main building in the Thöling complex, Yeshe Ö’s Mandala Chapel was also known as the Golden Chapel. All the images have been destroyed but the…

  • Tradun Monastery


    The Sakayapa-school Tradun Gompa just to the north of town is of importance as one of Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo’s demoness-subduing temples, in this…

  • White Chapel


    The entry to this side chapel is marked by a finely carved deodar (cedar) door frame that originated in India. Inside are vibrant 15th- and 16th-century…

  • Main Assembly Hall


    The dimly lit chamber of the dukhang has especially fine wall murals, showing strong Kashmiri and Nepali influences; bring a powerful torch (flashlight)…

  • Rumudong Petroglyphs


    In 1985 prehistoric rock carvings, or petroglyphs, were found at several sites in Rutok County, the first such carvings found in Tibet. The most…

  • Shepeling Monastery


    This ruined monastery towers over Purang town from its dramatic hilltop position. In 1949 the Swami Pranavananda described this Kagyud monastery, which…

  • Dorje Jigje Lhakhang


    The murals in this small chapel are painted red and gold, and are almost solely devoted to wrathful deities in ecstatic yab-yum pose, such as Demchok …

  • Winter Palace


    Accessed by a steep and easily missed eroded staircase (now with an iron railing in place), the palace is an amazing ant nest of rooms tunnelled into the…

  • Summer Palace


    From the four chapels at the base of Tsaparang, the path to the top climbs up through the monastic quarters and then ascends to the palace complex atop…

  • Pangong-tso


    About 8km north of Rutok Xian, the road hits the east end of lovely turquoise Pangong-tso (4241m). It’s worth the detour for views of the lake and camping…

  • Mendong Monastery


    At the east end of the 2km-long town, walk through the Tibetan quarter along Guangxi Lu to this small friendly gompa with 18 monks. The atmospheric inner…

  • Chiu Monastery


    Located 33km south of Darchen, Chiu (Sparrow) Monastery enjoys a fabulous location atop a craggy hill overlooking Lake Manasarovar. The monastery name…

  • Serkhang Chörten


    A few steps east of the Thöling Monastery compound in Zanda is the recently restored Serkhang chörten. A similar chörten stands in total isolation just to…

  • Tirthapuri Hot Springs


    On the banks of the Sutlej, only a few hours’ drive northwest of Darchen, the hot springs at Tirthapuri are where pilgrims traditionally bathe after…

  • Trugo Monastery


    Trugo has a great location on the southern shore of Manasarovar, at a spot where many Indian pilgrims make their ritual immersion in the lake. The main…

  • Guru Rinpoche Monastery


    The monastery dukhang (assembly hall) here has the stone footprints of Guru Rinpoche and his consort Yeshe Tsogyel to the right of the altar. Outside the…

  • Gokung Monastery


    In the hills north of Purang are many meditation retreat caves formed around the cliff-side Gokung Monastery. A ladder leads up to a couple of upper-floor…

  • Chiu Hot Springs


    If you fancy a relaxing post-Kailash soak or just need to get clean after a kora, the small hot springs beside Chiu village are piped into clean, private…

  • Sutlej Bridge


    If you have time to kill in Zanda, drive 4km east of town to this ancient iron link suspension bridge over the Sutlej River. It's thought to be one of the…

  • Ali Viewpoint


    It's worth a quick stroll to this hilltop pagoda for panoramic views over Ali and it's dramatic surroundings. Be careful not to photograph the army…

  • Gurugyam Monastery


    This newly renovated Bönpo monastery has some interesting murals, though the caretaker will likely call the PSB upon your arrival. The dramatic cliff-side…

  • Mummy Cave


    North of the main entrance to Tsaparang a trail follows a green river valley down about 700m to a cave on the left that holds the mummified remains of…

  • Lotsang Lhakhang


    This ruined chapel is flanked by an ancient-looking chörten. Only the feet of the main statue remain inside but there are some lovely old thangkas on…