Must-see restaurants in Nunavut

  • Kuugaq Cafe


    This unexpectedly gourmet spot is the community meeting place and most popular dining venue in town, courtesy of good old Canadian favorites (pulled-pork…

  • Saxifrage Resto-Cafe


    This Inuit-owned solid local favourite will delight your palate with fresh vegetables (when available), as well as well-cooked, home-style steaks, baby…

  • Nirivik Co-op


    This ramshackle green building next to Dorset Suites serves burgers, fried chicken and poutine at chipped green tables. They cook to order: you'll hear…

  • Northern Store


    The main – and pretty well-stocked – supermarket in the settlement, with a branch of KFC attached.

  • Northern Store


    Moderately well-stocked supermarket near the waterfront.