Must-see attractions in Western Bhutan

  • Punakha Dzong located at the junction of the Mo Chhu (Mother River) and Pho Chhu (Father River) in the Punakha Valley, Bhutan, Asia

    Punakha Dzong

    Western Bhutan

    Punakha Dzong is arguably the most beautiful dzong in the country, especially in spring when the lilac-coloured jacaranda trees bring a lush sensuality to…

  • Taktshang Goemba(Tigers Nest Monastery), Bhutan, in a mountain cliff

    Taktshang Goemba

    Western Bhutan

    The 'Tiger's Nest Monastery' is one of the Himalaya's most incredible sights, miraculously perched on the side of a sheer cliff 900m above the floor of…

  • Kyichu Lhakhang

    Western Bhutan

    Kyichu Lhakhang is one of Bhutan's oldest and most beautiful temples. The main chapel has roots as far back as the 7th century, with additional buildings…

  • A local guide standing still while wearing a traditional clothing for men called Gho a knee length and kimono-like cloth held in place by a belt called Kera. Rinpung Dzong is an architectural feat housing a network of courtyards, temples and offices. Its full name is Rinche Pung Dzong which literally means Fortress on a Heap of Jewels.

    Paro Dzong


    Paro Dzong ranks as a high point of Bhutanese architecture. The massive buttressed walls that tower over the town are visible throughout the valley,…

  • Watchtower Ta Dzong now houses the National Museum.

    National Museum


    Perched above Paro Dzong is its ta dzong (watchtower), built in 1649 to protect the undefended dzong and renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum…

  • Dumtse Lhakhang


    Just north of town, by the road leading to the National Museum, is Dumtse Lhakhang, an unusual chorten-like temple that was built in 1433 (some sources…

  • Chumphu Ney

    Western Bhutan

    For a fabulous trip into the dreamlike miracle world of Bhutan's sacred geography, budget a day for a hike up to one of Bhutan’s most famous ney (sacred…

  • Dzongdrakha Goemba

    Western Bhutan

    The visually splendid but little-visited cliffside retreat of Dzongdrakha Goemba is one of several local sites where Guru Rinpoche did battle with local…

  • Chimi Lhakhang

    Western Bhutan

    The famous Chimi Lhakhang is dedicated to Lama Drukpa Kunley, the 15th-century Tibetan magician, saint and exponent of 'crazy wisdom'. It is for him that…

  • Archery Ground


    After a visit to Paro's weekend market or Druk Choeding temple, it's well worth wandering down to this local archery ground to see if there's a…

  • Kila Nunnery

    Western Bhutan

    Established as a meditation site in the 9th century and reputedly the oldest nunnery in Bhutan, Kila Nunnery is reached via a dirt road and short walk…

  • Zuri Dzong


    Zuri Dzong was built in 1352 as a fort and the five-storey main building is still well protected by double walls and a bridge. There are some particularly…

  • Juneydrak Hermitage

    Western Bhutan

    About 1km north of Haa, just before the main bridge, a paved road branches east 1km to Katsho village, from where you can take a lovely 40-minute hike to…

  • Novice hood initiation in Bagan, Myanmar (Burma)

    Tago Lhakhang


    In the centre of tiny Bondey village, on the east side of the Paro Chhu, beside the main road near the Bondey bridge, is this charming and unusually…

  • Production of incense in Mysore, India

    Tshenden Incense Factory

    Western Bhutan

    Just 1km from Bondey is this family-run incense factory, undergoing a multistorey expansion at the time of research. Get your guide to check in advance if…

  • Drukgyel Dzong

    Western Bhutan

    Drukgyel Dzong, now an imposing ruin, was built in 1649 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to control the trade and military route to Tibet. The building was…

  • Paro Weekend Market


    Paro's weekend market isn't very large but it has a traditional feel and is a fine introduction to some of Bhutan's unique local products, from organic…

  • Shelkar Drak

    Western Bhutan

    A short excursion up the valley behind the Lhakhang Kharpo is Shelkar Drak (Crystal Cliff), a tiny, charming retreat centre perched on the limestone cliff…

  • Lhakhang Nagpo

    Western Bhutan

    A 10-minute walk or short drive behind the Lhakhang Kharpo is the grey-walled Lhakhang Nagpo (Black Chapel), one of the oldest temples in the Haa valley…

  • Pena Lhakhang


    Lovely Pena (or Puna) Lhakhang is ignored by most visitors to Paro, but is said to have been founded by Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo in the 7th century,…

  • Tashi Gongphel Bhutanese Paper


    This small workshop in the Dop Shari valley northeast of Paro town is worth a visit to see how traditional paper is made from local daphne and edgeworthia…

  • Druk Choeding


    Also known as Tshongdoe Naktshang, the quiet and peaceful Druk Choeding is the town temple and an important historical site. It was built in 1525 by…

  • Radak Neykhang

    Western Bhutan

    By the tall cypress trees of the Wangdue district court is this timeless 17th-century temple dedicated to an ancient warrior king. The anteroom has a…

  • Machig-phu Lhakhang

    Western Bhutan

    After visiting the Tiger's Nest it is possible to take a signed side trail uphill for 15 minutes to this charming lhakhang, where Bhutanese pilgrims come…

  • Lhakhang Kharpo

    Western Bhutan

    Haa's 100-strong monk body is housed not in Haa's dzong (fort monastery) but in the recently renovated Lhakhang Kharpo (White Chapel) complex, just south…

  • Dranjo Goemba

    Western Bhutan

    This monastic school looks deceptively new but there are some fine darkened murals inside. Of note here is the mask-like statue of Tsering Ngodup, the…

  • Sangchen Dorji Lhendrub Choling Nunnery

    Western Bhutan

    Above Wolakha on the way to Drolay Goemba is this thriving nunnery, which was financed by the fourth king's father-in-law to serve as a Buddhist college…

  • Druk Wangyal Lhakhang

    Western Bhutan

    This temple crowning a hillock next to the Dochu La is well worth a visit to view its upper-floor cartoon-style modern murals. Images include the fourth…

  • Zangto Pelri Lhakhang

    Western Bhutan

    The modern Zangto Pelri Lhakhang, in the centre of the town's main plaza, is a replica of Guru Rinpoche's celestial abode (though we're guessing the…

  • Nyamai Zam


    Below Paro Dzong, this traditional wooden covered bridge is a reconstruction of an older bridge, which was washed away in a flood in 1969. Earlier…

  • Taktshang Viewpoint

    Western Bhutan

    Just before Taktshang Goemba, this spectacular stupa viewpoint at 3140m puts you eyeball to eyeball with the monastery, which looks like it is growing out…

  • Zangto Pelri Lhakhang

    Western Bhutan

    A 15-minute hike above Taktshang Goemba brings you the Zangto Pelri Lhakhang, named after Guru Rinpoche's heavenly paradise and perched on a crag with…

  • Punakha Suspension Bridge

    Western Bhutan

    At 160m long, this bridge northeast of Punakha Dzong is one of Bhutan's longest suspension bridges and it's fun to cross the swaying, prayer-flag-draped…

  • Pelri Goemba


    A 15-minute uphill hike (or short drive) above Tago village, just southeast of Paro, is the small Pelri Goemba, a rare Nyingmapa-school chapel that was…

  • Gönsaka Lhakhang


    This charming temple on the hillside above Paro actually predates Paro Dzong. Don't miss the meditation cave of Pha Drun Drung, the founder of the dzong…

  • Six Chortens


    This line of six chortens marks the entrance into Paro town.

  • Yangthong Goemba

    Western Bhutan

    This monastery in the upper Haa valley is worth visiting, especially if you are heading on the Saga La trek. The charming upper chapels feature murals…

  • Wangdue Phodrang Dzong

    Western Bhutan

    The Wangdue Phodrang Dzong (Wangdi) was founded by the Zhabdrung in 1638 atop a high ridge between the Punak Tsang Chhu and the Dang Chhu, clearly chosen…

  • Tsendo Girkha Lhakhang

    Western Bhutan

    This interesting but little-visited 400-year-old lhakhang on the north side of the valley has some interesting relics and is said to have been carved out…