Bai Huong Homestays

Top choice in Cham Islands

Live with the locals in Bai Huong village. Visitors are given a bed with a mozzie net, and bathrooms have sit-down toilets and cold-water showers. Delicious home-cooked meals (30,000d to 70,000d) are available. The program works with nine families, generating income from community tourism. Note that little or no English is spoken by locals and there's usually electricity only from 6pm to 10pm.

Local families can take guests fishing or snorkelling (per person 150,000d) and trekking (per person 100,000d). Also available is a good-value three-day/two-night package (per person 880,000d) including all meals and snorkelling, fishing and trekking excursions. See the website for a two-day/one-night package (440,000d) as well. The project has helped fund education for Bai Huong's children, including scholarships and a local library.