California Institute of Technology 10.4m Submillimeter Telescope (CSO)


Also known as the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory, this telescope received its first light in 1986 and was shuttered in 2015. Observations of submillimeter waves of light during its lifespan helped in our understand of the formation of galaxies and the chemistry of star formation. It also helped detect heavy water on comets, providing insight into their composition. The facility will be dismantled and removed from the summit over the next several years.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Maunakea attractions

1. James Clerk Maxwell Telescope


You can easily recognize the JCMT by the world's largest sheet of Gore-Tex® which covers the telescope allowing it to operate night and day. Its 49.2ft…

2. Mauna Kea's Summit Area

0.18 MILES

At 13,796ft in the air, you are above 40% of the atmosphere and 90% of its water vapor – apparently perfect conditions for growing the giant mushroom-like…

3. Submillimeter Array


These eight 19.7ft radio telescopes work together (via supercomputer) to create image resolutions equal to an antenna 0.3 miles in diameter. The SMA…

4. Subaru Telescope

0.21 MILES

When it came online in 1999, Japan's 26.9ft Subaru Telescope was the most expensive observatory ever constructed. The 22-ton mirror is one of the largest…

5. WM Keck Observatory

0.27 MILES

Mirrors larger than 26.2ft are so heavy that gravity distorts them as they move. Keck's breakthrough design overcame that limitation in 1993 by using a…

6. University of Hawai‘i 0.9m Telescope

0.31 MILES

Hoku Kea was meant to be a teaching telescope, but the original 0.9m (3ft) mirror was delivered warped and the manufacturer went bankrupt. So, it has…

7. United Kingdom Infrared Telescope

0.34 MILES

Even though this 3.8m (12.5ft) telescope is the second-largest dedicated infrared telescope in the world, it will soon be decommissioned according to the…

8. NASA Infrared Telescope Facility

0.35 MILES

Able to utilize multiple sensors, this 3m (9.8ft) infrared telescope has diverse applications, from close-to-home observations – like measuring the ozone…