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Forming the mountainous joint between the Midwest and the Deep South, Arkansas (ar-kan-saw) is an often-overlooked treasure of swift rushing rivers, dark leafy hollows, crenelated granite outcrops and the rugged spine of the Ozark and the Ouachita (wash-ee-tah) mountains. The entire state is blessed with exceptionally well-presented state parks and tiny, empty roads crisscrossing dense forests that let out onto breathtaking vistas and gentle pastures dotted with grazing horses. Mountain towns juke between Christian fundamentalism, hippie communes and biker bars, yet all of these divergent cultures share a love of their home state's stunning natural beauty.
Must-see attractions
Little Rock Central High School
Little Rock's most riveting historic attraction is the site of the 1957 desegregation crisis that changed the country forever. This was where a group of…
Located just across from the Garvan Woodland Gardens, the Anthony Chapel is an architectural masterpiece. This soaring, wood-and-glass complex, built in…
Most people don't think Arkansas and 'island escapes', but that's exactly what Buck Island is – a Mississippi river retreat of almost 1000 acres of…
This wax museum is a throwback to the days when an off brand wax museum was all your town needed to be a tourism attraction. From the moment you enter and…
William J Clinton Presidential Center
This library houses the largest archival collection in presidential history, including 80 million pages of documents and two million photographs (although…
While these are technically the University of Arkansas' botanical gardens, Garvan feels more like a forest grove caught between the mountains and an…
Heifer International is a global nonprofit that aims to eliminate world hunger via a 'not a cup, but a cow' philosophy - effectively, teaching sustainable…
The excellently maintained trails of this state park, the oldest in Arkansas, wind past a lush 95ft waterfall, romantic grottoes, expansive vistas and…
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Best Road Trips
From delightful towns and beautiful villages to hairpin bends and breathtaking views across the Ozarks. Here are the five best road trips in Arkansas.
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