Outdoor gear shop selling good-quality essentials you might need for a hike into the Carpathians. Also stocks hiking maps.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
0.83 MILES
Don't leave town until you've seen this amazing 42-hectare cemetery, only a short ride on tram 7 from the centre. This is the Père Lachaise of Eastern…
National Museum and Memorial to the Victims of Occupation
0.94 MILES
This infamous building on vul Bryullova was used as a prison by the Poles, Nazis and communists in turn, but the small and very moving exhibition over two…
0.71 MILES
Around a 2km walk from pl Rynok, visiting the High Castle (Vysoky Zamok) on Castle Hill (Zamkova Hora) is a quintessential Lviv experience. There’s little…
0.45 MILES
Lviv was declared a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1998, and this old market square lies at its heart. The square was progressively rebuilt after a major…
Lviv History Museum – Rynok 24
0.44 MILES
This branch of the Lviv History Museum expounds on the city's very early days starting with early cultures that inhabited Galicia and ending with the…
0.44 MILES
The city fathers have occupied this location since the 14th century, but the present-day Italianate look dates to 1835. In a sign of openness and…
0.45 MILES
This fascinating pharmacy museum is located inside a still-functioning chemist's shop dating from 1735. Buy a ticket from the pharmacist and head down…
1.25 MILES
Revamped in 2017, the museum belonging to Lviv's brewery is an impressive, modern experience, a world away for the rickety post-Soviet repositories of the…
Nearby Lviv attractions
1. Bernardine Church and Monastery
0.24 MILES
Lviv's most stunning baroque interior belongs to the 17th-century now Greek Catholic Church of St Andrew, part of the Bernadine Monastery. Populated with…
The late-16th-century Golden Rose Synagogue stood at the heart of the inner district before the Nazis blew it up in 1943. A piece of wasteland for decades…
0.33 MILES
The town's former arsenal (1554–56) is now a museum where you can check out suits of armour and various cannons and weapons.
0.33 MILES
This grand, hilltop church is the work of 17th-century Italian architects. It was once the church of a fortified monastery which held out against the…
0.36 MILES
This Ukrainian Orthodox church is easily distinguished by the 65m-high, triple-tiered Kornyakt bell tower rising beside it. The tower was named after its…
6. Museum of Religious History
Attached to the Dominican Cathedral to the left of the entrance is the Museum of Religious History which was actually dedicated to atheism in Soviet times…
0.41 MILES
Dominating a square to the east of pl Rynok is one of Lviv’s signature sights, the large dome of the 1764 Dominican Cathedral. Inside, the typical baroque…
8. Lviv History Museum – Kornyakt Palace
0.42 MILES
The smallest branch of the Lviv History Museum is housed in a palace, once a residence of the of Polish King Jan Sobieski III, which rises from the…