Long, wide and windswept, Manzanilla Beach has caramel-colored sand, palm trees and rather murky, choppy waters; look out for mudskippers cruising the shallows, and the odd Portuguese man-o-war jellyfish washed up on the sand. The strong winds and tempestuous seas make swimming a challenge, though the beach shelves so gently that paddling can be fun. A public beach facility at the northern end has changing rooms and lifeguards. Stalls outside sell soft drinks and fresh coconuts to drink.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
22.82 MILES
A former cocoa and coffee plantation transformed into an 600-hectare nature reserve, this place blows the minds of birdwatchers. Even if you can’t tell a…
9.62 MILES
Inland of the Cocal, the Ramsar-protected Nariva Swamp covers some 60 sq km of freshwater wetland inhabited by anacondas and a small population of elusive…
14.46 MILES
Just past the bridge over the Rio Seco, a signposted trail leads inland to the Rio Seco Waterfall in Matura National Park. This stunning swimming hole and…
28.11 MILES
This 5611-hectare estuarine swampland of dense mangrove thickets crisscrossed with tea-colored channels is best known for its scarlet ibis, T&T's national…
29.4 MILES
Beautifully situated at the end of a causeway striking off from the central west coast, Waterloo Temple was constructed almost entirely by indentured…
Hanuman Murti and Sri Dattatreya Ashram
26.43 MILES
Towering 26m over the Sri Dattatreya Ashram, the brightly painted Hanuman Murti is a potent icon of Trinidad’s Hindu community. Devotees from all over the…
28.25 MILES
Just inland from Waterloo Temple, this absorbing museum is dedicated to the Indian history and experience in Trinidad. Some gorgeous antique sitars and…
22.43 MILES
This long, wide beach is capped at each end by exuberantly forested headlands, with the ever-shifting lagoon of the eponymous river at its east end…
Nearby attractions
9.62 MILES
Inland of the Cocal, the Ramsar-protected Nariva Swamp covers some 60 sq km of freshwater wetland inhabited by anacondas and a small population of elusive…
12.36 MILES
This wild, undeveloped beach with its coarse gray sand offers perfect conditions for leatherback turtles to lay their eggs, but it's far too rugged and…
14.01 MILES
Salybia is dominated by two incongruous-looking resorts, popular with Trinidadians seeking a rural break, but the big draw here is just before the bridge…
14.46 MILES
Just past the bridge over the Rio Seco, a signposted trail leads inland to the Rio Seco Waterfall in Matura National Park. This stunning swimming hole and…
15.68 MILES
Around the headland to the south of Manzanilla Beach, expansive Mayaro offers calmer waters than its neighbor, and the beach scene is more genial. Locals…
6. Santa Rosa First Peoples Community Centre
19.2 MILES
The headquarters of Arima's First Peoples community has a small but interesting display on their culture and heritage. Guides will help to interpret the…
7. Cleaver Woods Amerindian Museum
19.53 MILES
Arima is home to Trinidad's largest First Peoples community. Just west of town, a cluster of thatch-roofed buildings in the Cleaver Woods hold a small and…
22.43 MILES
This long, wide beach is capped at each end by exuberantly forested headlands, with the ever-shifting lagoon of the eponymous river at its east end…