The Konstmuseet has a small permanent collection that primarily focuses on Gotland-inspired, 19th- and 20th-century art. More exciting are the temporary exhibitions, which often showcase contemporary local artists.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
0.05 MILES
Gotlands Museum is one of the mightiest regional museums in Sweden. While highlights include amazing 8th-century, pre-Viking picture stones, human…
27.21 MILES
This remote island nature reserve is home to extensive bird life including thousands of guillemots and razorbills, as well as the maculinea arion (large…
0.23 MILES
Visby's church ruins contrast with the stoic and utterly awe-inspiring Sankta Maria kyrka. Built in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and heavily…
One of the most stunning of Visby's medieval churches, it's often used for performances. In winter, local children skate on an artificial ice rink within…
0.46 MILES
The northern gate of Visby's city wall is a good entry point if you're short on time. Follow the wall in a southwesterly direction until you find the…
16.97 MILES
On the east coast, 34km from Visby, Gothem church is one of the most impressive in Gotland; the nave is decorated with friezes dating from 1300.
0.38 MILES
The once magnificant St Nicolai Kyrka, now in ruins, was built in 1230 by Dominican monks.
20.94 MILES
Around 20km north of Ljugarn on the island's eastern seabord, in the hamlet of Kräklingbo, Leonettes Konst & Keramik is home to Californian expat Dan…
Nearby attractions
0.05 MILES
Gotlands Museum is one of the mightiest regional museums in Sweden. While highlights include amazing 8th-century, pre-Viking picture stones, human…
One of the most stunning of Visby's medieval churches, it's often used for performances. In winter, local children skate on an artificial ice rink within…
0.18 MILES
This former city-wall gate near Östergravar is a good way to enter the city, as it puts you at the higher elevations, allowing you to walk your way down…
4. Visby Sankta Maria Domkyrka
0.23 MILES
Visby's church ruins contrast with the stoic and utterly awe-inspiring Sankta Maria kyrka. Built in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and heavily…
0.23 MILES
Appropriate for Gotland, Visby's quaint and informative science museum focuses more on the origins of science through hands-on historical artifacts and…
0.38 MILES
The once magnificant St Nicolai Kyrka, now in ruins, was built in 1230 by Dominican monks.