A mega-mall where you'll find anything from fashion to kids' toys, homewares and clothing. Cape Union Mart is good for outdoor gear and Exclusive Books has your reading covered.
Also has plenty of eating options and a couple of multiplex cinemas.
A mega-mall where you'll find anything from fashion to kids' toys, homewares and clothing. Cape Union Mart is good for outdoor gear and Exclusive Books has your reading covered.
Also has plenty of eating options and a couple of multiplex cinemas.
3.01 MILES
This stunning park and museum honours fallen South Africans in all major conflicts and adopts an integrated approach to African history. It is a place of…
3.64 MILES
The imposing, art-deco-style Voortrekker Monument was constructed between 1938 and 1949 to honour the journey of the Voortrekkers, who journeyed north…
21.84 MILES
A highlight of Jo'burg's northern suburbs is Liliesleaf Farm. This was the secret headquarters of the ANC (African National Congress) from 1961 until a…
8.09 MILES
This 38-sq-km reserve, 27km south of Pretoria, off Rte 21, is popular with locals who come for fishing in the dam, but is also great for wildlife viewing…
29.56 MILES
This busy park is a firm favourite with Jo'burgers from all walks of life. Lace up your trainers and join locals for a run on the paved paths or games on…
Ditsong National Museum of Military History
29.53 MILES
If you’re fascinated by guns, tanks and aircraft, you can see artefacts and implements of destruction from the 1899–1902 Anglo-Boer War through to WWII at…
28.21 MILES
One of Jo'burg's largest public parks, Delta Park is ideal for long strolls and picnics. It is best known for its stunning explosion of pink and white…
3.35 MILES
A statue of Old Lion (Paul Kruger) takes pride of place in the centre of Church Square, which is surrounded by some impressive public buildings. The…
1.63 MILES
There are panoramic views from the 1889 fort that was one of four built to defend Pretoria, although in the end it was never used for that purpose…
2.04 MILES
Specialising in South African art from most of the country’s history, this good gallery contains works by all the big local hitters, from Jacob Hendrik…
2.53 MILES
Designed by Sir Herbert Baker, these sweeping sandstone buildings are the headquarters of government and home to the presidential offices. They're not…
2.82 MILES
On 31 May 1902, the Treaty of Vereeniging, which ended the Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902), was signed in the dining room of this stately mansion. Highlights…
2.88 MILES
The rebirth of downtown Pretoria has been given a kickstart by the redevelopment of this set of buildings into an events, arts and social hub. Check out…
3.01 MILES
This stunning park and museum honours fallen South Africans in all major conflicts and adopts an integrated approach to African history. It is a place of…
7. National Cultural History Museum
3.08 MILES
Concentrating on the cultural history of South Africa, this museum features exhibitions on San rock art, Iron Age figurines from Limpopo and a small…
3.32 MILES
The old Parliament Building of the Transvaal Republic Government, dating from 1890, sits on the south side of the square.