This pioneer of the Woodstock art scene provides studio space for local artists and visiting overseas artists, with the idea of providing skills transfer and cross-cultural stimulation of ideas and creativity. Visitors are welcome to stroll around and there are occasionally group exhibitions held.
Greatmore Studios
Cape Town
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
4.16 MILES
Location and unique flora combine to make these 5.28-sq-km botanical gardens among the most beautiful in the world. Gate 1, the main entrance at the…
9.84 MILES
Used as a prison from the early days of the VOC (Dutch East India Company) right up until 1996, this Unesco World Heritage site is preserved as a memorial…
29.49 MILES
This 77.5-sq-km section of Table Mountain National Park includes awesome scenery, fantastic walks, great birdwatching and often-deserted beaches. The…
28.05 MILES
This 2.5-sq-km wine and fruit farm is on the north slope of the Simonsberg mountain between Klapmuts and Paarl. Its highlight is an 800-sq-metre, formally…
18.42 MILES
This picturesque area, with enormous boulders dividing small, sandy coves, is home to a colony of some 3000 delightful African penguins. A boardwalk runs…
1.78 MILES
It's impossible not to be emotionally moved by this museum, which celebrates the once lively multiracial area that was destroyed during apartheid in the…
7.21 MILES
Simon van der Stel’s manor house, a superb example of Cape Dutch architecture, is maintained as a museum at Groot Constantia. Set in beautiful grounds,…
11.25 MILES
The Silvermine Reservoir, a beautiful spot for a picnic or a leisurely walk on the wheelchair-accessible boardwalk, is the focal point of this section of…
Nearby Cape Town attractions
0.54 MILES
The sketchy grid of streets off Albert Rd is a canvas for some amazing street art, much of it created during a collaborative project between street…
0.72 MILES
There are studio spaces for artists and craftspeople in this fabulous art-deco building, once a cinema, including that of blacksmith Conrad Hicks. Some of…
0.75 MILES
This park, which is slated for redevelopment by the city and has a good public swimming pool (closed at the time of research), contains the remains of the…
0.81 MILES
Occupying a rare example of the work of modernist architect Max Policansky, this is a great place to bring kids for attractions such as the giant…
0.95 MILES
Booking a two-hour guided tour is the only way you can see the very theatre in Groote Schuur Hospital where history was made in 1967 when Dr Christiaan…
1.31 MILES
Faith47 designed this proud African woman and her crop of reeds, which integrates an electronic lighting system. It's designed to illuminate every time a…
1.35 MILES
Covering some 240 hectares around the confluence of the Liesbeek and Black Rivers, this new park is one of the city's largest, with the potential to…
1.47 MILES
This defensive position, built by the British between 1795 and 1803, can be reached by a steep hiking path from behind the Rhodes Memorial or by walking…