Slovak Paradise, Slovensky Raj National Park, Slovakia.


Eastern Slovakia

Welcome to Slovakia's untrammelled east, home to Andy Warhol history, hundreds of hidden caves, and the best wine region you've never heard of. Freethinking Košice, Slovakia's second-largest city, is the prime reason to visit, with waterfall-kissed Slovenský Raj National Park close behind. But discovering Eastern Slovakia's uncommon attractions is a big part of the fun. Start with mysterious wooden churches, sprinkled across the lonely villages around Bardejov, before venturing to the Slovak Vatican, an ice cave and mouldy medieval wine cellars. Sprinkle it all with coppery spa waters, the country's best castle ruin, and a few architectural gems like Levoča and Bardejov, and you have one unforgettable road trip.


Must-see attractions

Go Beyond

Eastern Slovakia and beyond