This is a one-stop shop for all your outdoor gear and the perfect spot to pick up anything you may have forgotten before setting out into the wilderness. Prices are high, but they have pretty much anything you'll need.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
Housed in an attractive half-timbered building overlooking the bay, this museum features an imaginative mix of relics and murals that outline Kamchatka’s…
1.36 MILES
This new museum was just about to open during our last visit to Kamchatka, and a quick peek inside as they were putting up the display revealed an…
Petropavlovsk's largest and most impressive church is this golden-domed stunner, which sits on an outcrop from where it is visible from all over the city…
2.47 MILES
Originally built in 1857 to commemorate the victory over the British and the French in the Battle of Petropavlovsk, this wooden chapel was destroyed in…
1.96 MILES
Yes, there are beaches in Kamchatka too, and this one has gorgeous views of the bay and the distant snow-covered mountains, though it's unlikely you'll…
2.19 MILES
Petropavlovsk's most charming spot for a walk, this thickly wooded hill is in the centre of the city between the harbour and the lake. There are numerous…
2.04 MILES
As Lenin statues go (and there are still around 1800 in Russia still standing), this is an impressive one, with the revolutionary leader in a dramatic…
2.26 MILES
This memorial and small chapel commemorates the lives lost in the Battle of Petropavlovsk, a little-remembered clash between the British, French and…
Nearby Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky attractions
Petropavlovsk's largest and most impressive church is this golden-domed stunner, which sits on an outcrop from where it is visible from all over the city…
0.62 MILES
Looming over the downtown area is wooded Mt Mishennaya (382m), an easy ascent with excellent views of town and Avacha Bay.
1.36 MILES
This new museum was just about to open during our last visit to Kamchatka, and a quick peek inside as they were putting up the display revealed an…
1.96 MILES
Yes, there are beaches in Kamchatka too, and this one has gorgeous views of the bay and the distant snow-covered mountains, though it's unlikely you'll…
2.04 MILES
As Lenin statues go (and there are still around 1800 in Russia still standing), this is an impressive one, with the revolutionary leader in a dramatic…
2.19 MILES
Petropavlovsk's most charming spot for a walk, this thickly wooded hill is in the centre of the city between the harbour and the lake. There are numerous…
2.26 MILES
This memorial and small chapel commemorates the lives lost in the Battle of Petropavlovsk, a little-remembered clash between the British, French and…
2.47 MILES
Originally built in 1857 to commemorate the victory over the British and the French in the Battle of Petropavlovsk, this wooden chapel was destroyed in…