Bran Castle, Romania - August 2021. Place of Dracula in Transylvania, Carpathian Mountains, romanian  famous destination in Eastern Europe

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Wallachia (Ţara Românească), the region between the Carpathians and the Danube River, admittedly lacks the must-sees of Transylvania and Moldavia. Nevertheless, it's rich in early Romanian history, particularly at the historic seats of the Wallachian princes in Curtea de Argeş and Târgovişte. This was Wallachian prince Vlad Ţepeş’ old stomping ground, and north of Curtea de Argeş stands the ruins of what many consider to be the real 'Dracula’s castle'. Lovers of modern sculpture will want to see Constantin Brâncuşi’s work on open-air display in Târgu Jiu, close to the region of his birth.


Must-see attractions