Postcard  Voronet Monastery

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Moldavia & the Bucovina Monasteries

Less visited than other parts of Romania, Moldavia rewards those intrepid enough to seek it out: from glorious medieval monasteries to rugged mountains ideal for hiking, this singular region combines natural beauty with plenty of action. Moldavia’s bucolic villages and oddly endearing towns feature some of Romania’s friendliest locals. Beyond the hinterland, Moldavian modernity is fully displayed in Iaşi, one of Romania's largest cities and a vibrant student town famous for its nightlife. Bucovina, to the northwest, is home to Romania's pride and joy: a half dozen Unesco-protected painted monasteries from the 15th and 16th centuries that attest to the region's artistic skills and enduring faith. Everywhere you'll find signs of Moldavian prince (and Romanian national hero) Ștefan cel Mare and his epic battles with the Ottoman Empire, above all at the mighty fortresses at Suceava and Târgu Neamţ.


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