La Angostura


This artificial lake on the ever-expanding southern outskirts of Cochabamba is a popular spot for cochabambinos. However, the lake itself is not an especially pretty sight (though the mountain views are) and there's not much to do other than fill up on enormous plates of trucha (trout) or pejerrey (king fish) with rice, salad and potato served from one of the shoreline places in the village of the same name.

You can also hire paddleboats, rowboats and kayaks on weekends. A taxi from Cochabamba should run around B$40 each way, or you can head to the corner of Av Barrientos and Manuripi in Cochabamba, take any micro toward Tarata or Cliza and get off at the Angostura bridge; if you see the dam on your right, you’ve gone too far (just). Nearby is the famous Las Carmelitas, where you can get delicious and hefty-sized empanadas.