An 1844 Biedermeier building houses Austria's literature museum, which opened in 2015. It contains books, manuscripts, letters, photos, illustrations and personal effects (such as desks) from the country's most seminal authors, playwrights and poets, from the 18th century to the present day. The celebrated writers represented include Günther Anders, Ingeborg Bachmann, Peter Handke, Robert Menasse, Herta Müller and Hilde Spiel. You can also hear readings and quotes from the museum's 550 hours of audio recordings. Information leaflets are available in English.

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Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
0.21 MILES
Vienna's foremost opera and ballet venue, the neo-Renaissance Staatsoper, is one of the finest concert halls in the world. Even if you can't get tickets…
0.26 MILES
Vienna’s Gothic masterpiece Stephansdom – or Steffl (Little Stephan), as it’s ironically nicknamed – is Vienna's pride and joy. A church has stood here…
Vienna's neo-Gothic City Hall, completed in 1883 by Friedrich von Schmidt (who designed Cologne Cathedral) and modelled on Flemish city halls, with lacy…
0.26 MILES
The great composer spent close to three happy and productive years at this residence between 1784 and 1787. Exhibits include copies of music scores and…
0.62 MILES
The MuseumsQuartier is a remarkable ensemble of museums, cafes, restaurants and bars inside former imperial stables designed by Fischer von Erlach. This…
0.31 MILES
The Hofburg's Kaiserliche Schatzkammer contains secular and ecclesiastical treasures (including devotional images and altars, particularly from the…
0.17 MILES
Once used as the Habsburgs' imperial apartments for guests, the Albertina is now a repository for an exceptional collection of graphic art. The permanent…
0.45 MILES
Built between 1716 and 1739, after a vow by Karl VI at the end of the 1713 plague, Vienna's finest baroque church rises at the southeast corner of…
Nearby Vienna attractions
0.09 MILES
This famous fountain has been removed during the construction of an underground parking station, and will be reinstalled on Neuer Markt in 2022.
The Kapuzinerkirche opened in 1632 as a church and monastery of the order of the Friars Minor Capuchin and famously contains the Kapuzinergruft crypt, the…
The Haus der Musik explains the world of sound and music to adults and children alike (in English and German) in an amusing and interactive way. Exhibits…
0.11 MILES
Beneath the Kapuzinerkirche, the Kapuzinergruft is the final resting place of most of the Habsburg royal family, including Empress Elisabeth. Opened in…
0.14 MILES
This Franciscan church is a glorious architectural deception. Outside it exudes the hallmarks of an early-17th-century Renaissance style, yet inside it is…
6. Mahnmal Gegen Krieg und Faschismus
0.16 MILES
Designed by Alfred Hrdlicka and installed in 1988, this series of pale block-like sculptures on Helmut-Zilk-Platz has a dark, squat shape wrapped in…
0.17 MILES
Wedged between the Staatsoper and the Albertina, this square stands out for its Monument Against War & Fascism by Alfred Hrdlicka (1988). The series of…
0.17 MILES
Once used as the Habsburgs' imperial apartments for guests, the Albertina is now a repository for an exceptional collection of graphic art. The permanent…