An excellent museum with two floors of well-designed galleries exploring the complex patchwork of indigenous tribal groups, religions and ethnicities of…
An excellent museum with two floors of well-designed galleries exploring the complex patchwork of indigenous tribal groups, religions and ethnicities of…
An unconventional setting for a fine-art gallery, paintings by artist Kublai Millan fill the walls of this large space. Take an elevator to the 4th or 5th…
Around 5km north of the city centre is this large complex spread out along the Davao River. A combination conservation centre and zoo, there are croc …
Vibrant, chaotic, claustrophobic, smelly and resembling a sprawling shanty town, Bankerohan provides a taste of local flavour. Everything that appears in…
A family-friendly expanse of more concrete than green space with larger-than-life-sized sculptures of native peoples of Mindanao, all designed by artist…
This centrally located cathedral on the site of the city's oldest church has an interesting design meant to resemble an ark. Daily mass in English at 6am…
This museum, next to the Waterfront Insular Hotel northeast of downtown, has a good collection of tribal weaving and artefacts from most of the Mindanao…