Paso de Patopampa

The highest point on the road between Arequipa and Chivay is this almost lifeless pass which, at 4910m, is significantly higher than Europe’s Mt Blanc and anywhere in North America’s Rocky Mountains. If your red blood cells are up to it, disembark into the rarefied air at the Mirador de los Volcanes to view a muscular consortium of eight snowcapped volcanoes: Ubinas (5675m), El Misti (5822m), Chachani (6075m), Ampato (6288m), Sabancaya (5976m), Huaca Huaca (6025m), Mismi (5597m) and Chucura (5360m).

Less spectacular but no less amazing is the scrubby yareta, one of the few plants that can survive in this harsh landscape. Yaretas can live for several millennia and their annual growth rate is measured in millimeters rather than centimeters.

Hardy ladies in traditional dress discreetly ply their wares at the mirador (lookout) during the day – this must be the world’s highest shopping center. It's also usually the last tour-bus stop from Arequipa heading into canyon country.

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