Don Bosco Refuges

Cordillera Blanca

Established by the pioneering Father Ugo de Censi, a priest of the Salesian order, the Italian nonprofit organization Don Bosco, based in Marcará, runs four remote refuges deep within the belly of the Cordillera. Each refuge is heated and has a radio, hot water, basic medical supplies and meals (included in price).

Profits go to local aid projects. Refuges include Refugio Perú (4765m), a two-hour walk from Llanganuco and a base for climbing Pisco; Refugio Ishinca (4350m), a three-hour walk from Collón village in the Ishinca Valley; and Refugio Huascarán (4670m), a four-hour walk from Musho. A fourth refuge at Contrahierba (4100m) only opens on demand.

Trekkers, mountaineers and sightseers are all welcome. Outside peak season, you will need to make reservations at least one week in advance and have a group of at least four people who can commit to two nights of accommodation.