Port Moresby
At the northern end of Waigani Dr, by the University of Papua New Guinea, this is an island of calm. More than 2km of walkways thread under and through…
Port Moresby
At the northern end of Waigani Dr, by the University of Papua New Guinea, this is an island of calm. More than 2km of walkways thread under and through…
Port Moresby
This superb museum, beautifully remodelled for the country's 40th anniversary of independence, is the best introduction you can get to Papua New Guinea's…
Port Moresby
Right after the small store at Laloki River Gorge is the turn-off to Varirata National Park which, at 1000 hectares and over 800m high, is the highlight…
Port Moresby
The main Parliament Haus building is in the style of a Maprik- or Sepik-style haus tambaran, while the attached, circular cafeteria follows Highland…
Port Moresby
A turnoff near Fourteen Mile takes you to the large and carefully tended Bomana War Cemetery, where 4000 unknown PNG and Australian WWII soldiers are…
Port Moresby
Past the docks to the north lies Hanuabada, the original Motu village. Although it is still built over the sea on stilts, the original wood and thatched…
Port Moresby
Some kilometres down the rough Kokoda Track road (barely navigable in a 2WD in the dry season only) is a turn-off left (west) back towards Port Moresby…
Port Moresby
The Old Parliament Building was never an architectural wonder, but its opening as the House of Assembly in 1964 was a significant milestone on PNG's road…
Port Moresby
The picturesque stilt village of Koki, at the eastern end of Ela Beach, is worth visiting if you can find a local to take you. The best way to do that is…
Port Moresby
Around Fourteen Mile, next door to the humdrum Adventure Park PNG (look out for the Ferris wheel) are the excellent National Orchid Gardens. Apart from…
Port Moresby
On the rough Kokoda Track road you can drive past McDonald's Corner where there's a small memorial that marks the start of the Kokoda Track. It was here…
Port Moresby
A few kilometres past the Bomana War Cemetery cemetery, the road winds up the impressive Laloki River gorge and you're soon more than 600m above sea level…
Port Moresby
There is little of historical interest remaining in Port Moresby's CBD, where office towers and neglect have steadily claimed much of the area. The oldest…
Port Moresby
The harbour headland, Paga Point, is adjacent to Town. It’s worth walking to the top of Paga Hill for the fine views over the town, the harbour and the…
Port Moresby
On the southern side of Town is the long, sandy stretch of Ela Beach. The beachfront promenade is a popular walk during the day and there are usually some…
Port Moresby
This cathedral has an impressive entrance portal in the style of a Sepik haus tambaran.
Port Moresby
An independence gift from Australia, this library houses a huge PNG collection.