Alongside the fjord, the Sulitjelma Mining Museum records the area's 100 years of mining history and displays some awesome rusting equipment.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
The small (171-sq-km), scarcely visited Rago National Park is a rugged chunk of forested granite mountain and moorland, riven with deep glacial cracks and…
25.81 MILES
The largest national park in Sweden, 1984-sq-km Padjelanta gets its name from the Sami name Badjelánnda, meaning ‘higher land’, and appropriately…
18.07 MILES
The moving Blodveimuseet, in a former German barracks inside the Saltdal Folk Museum, is visited by a 30-minute guided tour. It reveals conditions for…
18.05 MILES
Just off the E6 in Rognan 32km south of Fauske, Saltdal Folk Museum is a collection of typical rural and fishing-related buildings, many with turf roofs…
21.41 MILES
Check out the park-like collection of historic buildings of the Fauske branch of Salten Museum, whose grounds are a lovely spot for a picnic.
Nearby attractions
18.05 MILES
Just off the E6 in Rognan 32km south of Fauske, Saltdal Folk Museum is a collection of typical rural and fishing-related buildings, many with turf roofs…
18.07 MILES
The moving Blodveimuseet, in a former German barracks inside the Saltdal Folk Museum, is visited by a 30-minute guided tour. It reveals conditions for…
21.41 MILES
Check out the park-like collection of historic buildings of the Fauske branch of Salten Museum, whose grounds are a lovely spot for a picnic.
The small (171-sq-km), scarcely visited Rago National Park is a rugged chunk of forested granite mountain and moorland, riven with deep glacial cracks and…
25.81 MILES
The largest national park in Sweden, 1984-sq-km Padjelanta gets its name from the Sami name Badjelánnda, meaning ‘higher land’, and appropriately…