Must-see attractions in Nicaragua

  • Laguna de Apoyo and Mombacho Volcano

    Reserva Natural Volcán Mombacho


    It’s been a few decades since this 1345m volcano, the defining feature of the Granada skyline, has acted up, but it is still most certainly active and…

  • Convento y Museo San Francisco


    One of the oldest churches in Central America, Convento San Francisco boasts a robin's egg–blue birthday-cake facade and houses both an important convent…

  • Museo Arqueológico Huellas de Acahualinca


    Discovered by miners in 1874, these fossilized tracks record the passage of perhaps 10 people – men, women and children – as well as birds, raccoons, deer…

  • Iglesia de la Recolección


    Three blocks north of the cathedral, the 1786 Iglesia de la Recolección is considered the city’s most beautiful church, a Mexican-style baroque confection…

  • Antigua Catedral


    The hollow shell of Managua’s Old Cathedral remains Managua’s most poignant metaphor, shattered by the 1972 earthquake – and slowly undergoing restoration…

  • Volcán Maderas

    Isla de Ometepe

    Climbing this 1394m volcano is challenging but worthwhile. Guides are required for the seven- to eight-hour round-trip trek (with four to five hours of…

  • Volcán Concepción

    Isla de Ometepe

    This massive (and active) volcano is an Ometepe landmark. The seven- to 10-hour hike up loose volcanic stone to the summit of this looming peak can be…

  • Museo de Arte Fundación Ortiz-Gurdián


    Probably the finest museum of contemporary art in all of Central America, the Ortiz-Gurdián Collection has spilled over from its original home in Casa Don…

  • Museos El Ceibo

    Isla de Ometepe

    The excellent Museo Numismástico (Money Museum) documents the troubled history of the Nicaraguan economy through its coins and banknotes. Across the road,…

  • Museo Arqueológico Gregorio Aguilar Barea

    Caribbean Coast

    Mystical stone statues rise like ancient totems in the courtyard entrance here. It houses the most important collection of stelae in the country, with…

  • Nuestra Señora de Solentiname

    The Río San Juan & Islas Solentiname

    Mancarrón's greatest human-made gift is Nuestra Señora de Solentiname, where populist priest Ernesto Cardenal ran a rather enlightened parish. Constructed…

  • Museo Histórico de la Revolución


    León is the heart and soul of liberal Nicaragua. Stop into this museum for an overview of the Nicaraguan revolutionaries who stood up against the Somoza…

  • Long Bay

    Corn Islands

    This stunner of a beach arcs from a pile-up of local fishing pangas and lobster traps to a wild, jungle-covered headland at its far end. If you’re looking…

  • Museo Auka Tangki

    Caribbean Coast

    Don’t miss Dr Dionisio Melgara Brown’s museum, a 10-minute walk along dirt roads curving away from the river. Brown, a retired teacher, built this museum…

  • Museo de Chocolate


    Granada's new chocolate museum is excellent if you're traveling with children: the 'beans to bar' chocolate workshop, where participants learn to roast…

  • Casa Museo Comandante Carlos Fonseca


    Commander Carlos Fonseca, the Sandinista equivalent of Malcolm X (read: bespectacled, goateed, intense, highly charismatic), grew up desperately poor in…

  • Waiku Centro de Arte

    Caribbean Coast

    This excellent social project is run by two English-speaking activists, Greta and Yesi, whose small arts center displays painting, handicrafts, clothing…

  • Reserva Biológica Indio-Maíz

    The Río San Juan & Islas Solentiname

    The second-largest tract of intact primary forest in the country, the Reserva Biológica Indio-Maíz is a vast wilderness and a hugely important rainforest…

  • Catedral de León


    Officially known as the Basílica de la Asunción, León’s cathedral is the largest in Central America, its expansive design famously (and perhaps…

  • Museo de Leyendas y Tradiciones


    León’s most entertaining and eclectic museum is housed in La XXI (the 21st Garrison), decorated with murals graphically depicting methods the Guardia…

  • Nicaragua, Granada, Iglesia de la Merced

    Iglesia La Merced


    Perhaps the most beautiful church in the city, this landmark was built in 1534. Most come here for the spectacular views from the bell tower – especially…

  • Reserva Natural Chocoyero-El Brujo


    This 184-hectare natural reserve, 30km outside Managua, is a small wilderness enclave within easy reach of the capital. Imagine: a hardwood forest, dense…

  • Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de Sutiaba


    The Subtiaba neighborhood is centered on this church, located about 1km west of the León cathedral. It’s better known as ‘Catedral Subtiaba,’ and is the…

  • Cascada San Ramón

    Isla de Ometepe

    This stunning 40m waterfall is one of the jewels of the island. The 3.7km trail begins at the Estación Biológica de Ometepe. You can drive 2.2km up to the…

  • Reserva de Biosfera Bosawás

    Caribbean Coast

    This remarkable expanse of protected wilderness is Nicaragua's biggest biosphere reserve, and makes up more than 14% of Nicaragua’s national territory. It…

  • Refugio de Vida Silvestre La Flor

    Southwestern Nicaragua

    One of the principal laying grounds for endangered olive ridley and leatherback turtles, this wildlife refuge (locally called by its shorter name, 'La…

  • Managua, Nicaragua:  Old Cathedral and Nicaraguan flag

    Plaza de la Revolución


    Inaugurated in 1899 by national hero and original anti-American General José Santos Zelaya, this open plaza has been the scene of countless protests,…

  • Cristo de la Misericordia

    San Juan Del Sur

    This 25m statue of Jesus – one of the tallest in the world – overlooks the town from its perch 2km to the north. Take the one-hour hike up from the north…

  • La Fortaleza

    The Río San Juan & Islas Solentiname

    Properly known as La Fortaleza de la Limpia Pura e Inmaculada Concepción, this photogenic fortress was constructed between 1673 and 1675, commissioned…

  • Museo de Antropología e Historia

    Southwestern Nicaragua

    If you have some time to kill in town, this 200-year-old house is the place to go. Inside you'll find some moth-eaten taxidermy, a wall of myths and…

  • Muelle Viejo

    Caribbean Coast

    Take a stroll along the wooden boards of the historic Muelle Viejo (Old Pier), where both Sandino and the Contras received arms smuggled in from abroad,…

  • Museo Rubén Darío


    Nicaragua's most famous poet, Rubén Dario, lived in this house for the first 14 years of his life – indeed, he started writing poetry right here at age 12…

  • Museo Nacional


    Inside the Palacio de la Cultura y Biblioteca Nacional, the beautiful national museum is an enjoyable romp through the country's history – from Nicaragua…

  • Catedral Metropolitana


    Just north of the Metrocentro mall is an unforgettable Managua landmark that's practically new (the doors opened in 1993). It's an architectural marvel…

  • Reserva Privada El Quebracho

    The Río San Juan & Islas Solentiname

    Administered by the Fundación del Río in San Carlos, this 90-hectare property borders Reserva Biológica Indio-Maíz, and offers a peek at the region’s very…

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