BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL-MAY 20: The present appearance of city street Bhaktapur on May 20, 2013,Kathmandu valey, Nepal. It is one of the three royal cities in the Kathmandu, a very popular spot for tourists.; Shutterstock ID 157881704; Your name (First / Last): Josh Vogel; Project no. or GL code: 56530; Network activity no. or Cost Centre: Online-Design; Product or Project: 65050/7529/Josh Vogel/ Destination Galleries

Shutterstock / Aleksandar Todorovic

Around the Kathmandu Valley

In many ways the Kathmandu Valley is Nepal. Created from the bed of a sacred lake by the deity Manjushri, according to Buddhist legend, the basin is a patchwork of terraced fields and sacred temple towns that showcase the glory of the architects and artisans of Nepal. Sadly, the area also bore the brunt of the 2015 earthquake. This has taken its toll on the valley's medieval villages, but there is still much to see, from centuries-old temples to Himalayan viewpoints and an adventurous road to Tibet.


Must-see attractions

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Around the Kathmandu Valley and beyond