Sharp river bend between Main and Hikers' Viewpoints.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
10.73 MILES
Nowhere else in Africa will you find anything quite like Fish River Canyon. Whether you're getting a taste of the sheer scale and beauty of the place from…
5.75 MILES
Sulphur Springs (more commonly called Palm Springs) is an excellent campsite with thermal sulphur pools (a touch of paradise) to soothe your aching…
1.77 MILES
This viewpoint has probably the best – and most photographed – overall canyon outlook, with views that take in the sharp river bend known as Hell's Corner…
1.32 MILES
Hikers’ Viewpoint, a few kilometres north of Main Viewpoint (at the start of the hiking trail), is one of the most stunning lookouts in the area, with…
15.02 MILES
At the southern end of Kooigoedhoogte Pass, on the west bank of the river, lies the grave of Lieutenant Thilo von Trotha, who was killed here in a 1905…
13.54 MILES
From atop this pass, you’ll have a superb view of Four Finger Rock, an impressive rock tower consisting of four thick pinnacles (though they more closely…
14.83 MILES
An impressive rock tower consisting of four thick pinnacles (though they more closely resemble a cow’s udder than fingers) that can be seen from…
5.21 MILES
The view from this lookout is one of the best along the route. It's a fine place to rest and to contemplate Fish River Canyon's massive gash in the earth.
Nearby Fish River Canyon attractions
1.32 MILES
Hikers’ Viewpoint, a few kilometres north of Main Viewpoint (at the start of the hiking trail), is one of the most stunning lookouts in the area, with…
1.77 MILES
This viewpoint has probably the best – and most photographed – overall canyon outlook, with views that take in the sharp river bend known as Hell's Corner…
5.21 MILES
The view from this lookout is one of the best along the route. It's a fine place to rest and to contemplate Fish River Canyon's massive gash in the earth.