Must-see attractions in High Atlas Mountains

  • Anima Garden

    Ourika Valley

    Nestled in the foothills of the High Atlas Mountains, Anima Garden is a space designed by multimedia artist André Heller. Surprising sculptures…

  • Ecomusée Berbère

    Ourika Valley

    Four kilometres past Tnine, a discreet sign points up a dirt path into the Amazigh (Berber) village of Tafza, where the three-storey mud-brick ksar …

  • Ait Sidi Moulay Igherm

    High Atlas Mountains

    The largest building in Zaouiat Ahansal dominates the surrounding village. Still home to the saint's descendants, the village's oldest building also…

  • Cascades d'Ouzoud

    High Atlas Mountains

    The many-tiered Cascades d’Ouzoud are stunningly beautiful, with several distinct falls, the largest a massive 100m drop. The area is also one of the most…

  • Safranerie de l'Ourika

    Ourika Valley

    Almost anything thrives in Ourika’s rich soil, including saffron, organically grown here from bulbs that are cultivated near Talouine. Saffron is a high…

  • Zawiya of Sidi Moussa

    High Atlas Mountains

    For a spectacular sunset, climb the steep but straightforward trail up to the zawiya (shrine) of Sidi Moussa, a local marabout (saint), on a conical…

  • Jardin Bio-Aromatique d'Ourika

    Ourika Valley

    The organic botanical gardens of a Franco-Moroccan bath-product company combining Amazigh (Berber) herbal remedies with modern aromatherapy make for…

  • Cathédrale des Rochers

    High Atlas Mountains

    The most-famous peak of the Reserve Naturelle de Tamga absolutely dominates the surrounding landscape – supposedly in the same manner great cathedrals…

  • Marigha Salt Mine

    High Atlas Mountains

    Local villagers mine salt here using traditional methods that have been in use for generations, pulling buckets of mineral-rich water from wells up to 20m…

  • Ait Ben Hmad Igherm

    High Atlas Mountains

    This 17th-century igherm (collective granary), still in use by the villagers of Amezray, is one of several historical structures in the region to benefit…

  • Cascades d’Irhoulidene

    Toubkal National Park

    This splendid waterfall cascades for more than 20m above Azib Tamsoult and makes an excellent full-day hike from Imlil or acclimisation day en route to…

  • Bin El Ouidane

    High Atlas Mountains

    The dam at Bin El Ouidane provides the majority of the electricity in the region, but more importantly it's the location for the increasingly popular 11…

  • Aghmat Archaeological Site

    Ourika Valley

    These excavations, about 200m to the left off the main road, began in 2010 and have revealed ancient urban foundations, including a hammam, grand mosque,…

  • Source Sidi El Wafi

    High Atlas Mountains

    Follow the flow of locals across the bridge below Tighdouine and up a short track across the valley to the southwest to this small spring said to cure an…

  • Dinosaur Footprints

    High Atlas Mountains

    Geologists claim that tracks imprinted in exposed rock in the village of Tabalout are in fact footprints of the Megalosauripus from the Middle to Upper…

  • Boughlou Pottery Village

    High Atlas Mountains

    Pottery sits on display along sunny roadsides all the way through Boughlou, whose craftsmen are known in this region for their work. Visit to buy straight…

  • Al Mutamid Mausoleum

    Ourika Valley

    Al Mutamid’s tomb is marked with an Almoravid-style domed mausoleum. It's signed right off the main road after the commune building, inside a garden…

  • Tomb of Sidi Said Ahansal

    High Atlas Mountains

    The 13th-century tomb of Sidi Said Ahansal is the chief place of religious pilgrimage in the valley, though it is off-limits to non-Muslims. Above the…

  • Sebt Aït Bououli

    High Atlas Mountains

    The small village of Sebt Aït Bououli, located on bend in the road at the centre of the valley, trekkers can spend the night or stock up on food for their…

  • La Source de Taghia

    High Atlas Mountains

    Water cascades out of the cliff face and down a rocky hillside at these small springs just south of Taghia. It's often a good spot to sit and observe…

  • Imlil Waterfalls


    Two small waterfalls just south of the Kasbah du Toubkal make a pleasant afternoon walk from Imlil.

  • Zaouait Ahansal Monday Souq

    High Atlas Mountains

    Locals from across Zaouait Ahansal gather at the the bottom of the valley for this small market.

  • Tizi n'Tichka

    High Atlas Mountains

    Higher than Tizi n’Test to the west but an easier drive along the N9, the Tizi n’Tichka (2260m) connects Marrakesh with the southern oases. It was built…

  • Tizi n'Test

    High Atlas Mountains

    Blasted through the mountains by the French in the late 1920s, the awe-inspiring road over the Tizi n'Test pass (2100m) was the first modern route linking…