Fresh Adriatic squid in buzara sauce (shallow dof); Shutterstock ID 272896145; Your name (First / Last): Josh/Vogel; GL account no.: 56530; Netsuite department name: Online-Design; Full Product or Project name including edition: 65050/​Online Design​/JoshVogel/IYLs

Shutterstock / Mila Atkovska

Konoba Ćatovića Mlini

Top choice in Bay of Kotor

This rustic former mill masquerades as a humble konoba (simple family-run establishment), but they doth protest too much: this is one of Montenegro’s best restaurants. Watch the geese waddle while you sample the magical bread and olive oil, which appears unbidden at the table. Fish is the focus, but give the traditional Njeguši specialities a go. Whatever you order, you will dream – while drooling – of it for years to come.