Must-see attractions in Kyrgyzstan

  • Rock formation around the alpine Köl-Suu lake, Kurumduk valley, Naryn province, Kyrgyzstan; Shutterstock ID 2255076413; your: Sloane Tucker; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: POI



    Remote even by Kyrgyzstan standards, magnificent Köl-Suu lake stretches over 10km through a sheer mountain gorge that reaches nearly to the Chinese border…

  • Ak-Köl


    Winding 10km up a dirt road off the Kazarman–Chaek highway, brilliant Ak-Köl lake reflecting the surrounding peaks and the village beyond are a real…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    State Museum of Fine Arts


    Collections of Kyrgyz embroidery and felt rugs, a splendid variety of paintings, and rotating exhibitions of local and international touring works all…

  • Kol-Tor Lake.

    Köl-Tör Lake


    This turquoise-hued glacial lake is one of the most beautiful in Chuy oblast, and the surrounding peaks and verdant pastures certainly don't do anything…

  • Sary-Chelek Lake

    Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve


    Though the full Unesco Biosphere Reserve includes seven mountain lakes and numerous rare flora and fauna, the star attraction for most visitors is the…

  • Burana Tower


    Burana is a popular side-trip when driving between Issyk-Köl and Bishkek. In the fields south of Tokmok, the Burana Tower is the 24m-high stump of a huge…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Ala-Too Square


    Surveyed by a triumphant statue of Айкол Манас (Mighty Manas), Bishkek's nominal centre is architecturally neobrutalist in style but has a photogenic…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Osh Bazaar


    Bishkek's most central bazaar has a certain compulsive interest and is an important city landmark. For traditional Kyrgyz clothes, including white…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Nissa Art Salon


    Originally built as the St Nicholas Cathedral, the steeple was removed and this space converted to an art museum during the Soviet period. The building…

  • Tash Rabat Caravanserai


    This small stone caravanserai is sunk into the hillside of a photogenic narrow shepherds' valley that's given definition by occasional rocky outcrops…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Art Group 705


    Well-curated irregular exhibitions on a wide variety of themes and a grungy hipster-chic space make this a great stop for art seekers. Go through the gate…

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    Gallery M


    This one-room gallery hosts rotating thematic exhibitions of works primarily by local artists. Much of it is for sale, and there is a handful of applied…

  • Koshoy Korgon Ruins


    Koshoy Korgan (Koshoy's fortress) is a 250m square of muddy wall remnants from what is thought to have been a powerful 12th-century Karakhanid citadel,…

  • Chatyr-Köl


    From Tash Rabat, roughly six hours on foot or by plodding horse should get you to a broad ridge overlooking massive Chatyr-Köl (Чатыр-көл) – 23km long and…

  • Kyrgyz-Ata National Park


    Long a favourite of local day-trippers, Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is slowly becoming popular with international travellers as well. Though just under 12 sq…

  • Tuyuk-Tör Petroglyphs


    A collection of petroglyphs believed to be from the Bronze and Middle Ages stand just off the road up a valley about 32km east of the village of Köpurö…

  • Salkyn-Tör National Park


    Naryn locals love to picnic at the foot of this national park just outside of the city, but head up the valley past the small collection of cabins and you…

  • Kolduk Lakes


    Above a hilly jailoo ringed by yurts, the larger Kolduk lake is backed by a craggy mountain gorge. Families that take residence here from May to September…

  • Saimaluu Tash


    Spread over two remote valleys high in the mountains at an altitude of up to 3400m, this massive petroglyph site encompasses over 10,000 individual works…

  • Ala-Archa National Park


    A visit to Ala-Archa is easily the most popular day trip for visitors to Bishkek, for equal parts ease of accessibility and spectacular mountain…

  • Suluu-Terek Canyon


    A small red bridge towards the end of Boom Canyon (en route to Issyk-Köl) leads to the impressive desert landscapes and red-rock cliffs of Suluu-Terek…

  • Toktogul Reservoir


    Views out over the Toktogul reservoir are sublime in the right light, and the first glimpse of it descending from the mountains on the Bishkek highway are…

  • Tulpar Köl


    The largest of a string of 42 small lakes, Tulpar Köl stretches for nearly a kilometre in between the final small foothills and the first major ridge of…

  • Dubovy Park


    Where wide, green Erkindik (Freedom) Ave enters this pleasant central park, artists sell a range of locally themed paintings. There's a small open-air…

  • Tokmok Animal Bazaar


    Herders from the Chuy Valley and beyond gather early on Sunday to sell livestock at this weekly market. Come early, as it's mostly wrapped up by 10am…

  • Besh-Tash National Park


    Following the Besh-Tash River for 30km, the highlight of this 32,000 sq km national park is a large turquoise lake at the end of the valley. Keep your…

  • Dordoi Bazaar


    This bazaar built primarily of repurposed shipping has shrunk somewhat since Kyrgyzstan joined the Eurasian Customs Union, but is still an atmospheric…

  • Naryn Panorama


    As the highway towards Baetov and Kazarman tops a small pass to the west of the city, look for a dirt road turnoff that leads to a viewpoint of the city…

  • Art Gallery


    Painting and sculpture from a collection of Kyrgyz artists, primarily those who originate in Naryn. There's also a small gift shop off the lobby.

  • Panfilov Park


    Packed with amusements and carnival rides, this city-centre park is particularly pleasant and popular with local families on summer weekends.

  • Kochkor Animal Bazaar


    Kochkor's town livestock market is open on Saturday mornings. Some will find the conditions here exotic, others distressing.

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Frunze House-Museum


    This modest museum forms a concrete shell around the thatched cottage that was allegedly the birthplace of Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze (1885–1925), for…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Gapar Aitiev Studio Museum


    Run by the son of the legend himself, this was once the working studio of Kyrgyz National Artist Gapar Aitiev. It will be of interest to visitors with a…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Victory Square


    Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the end of WWII, this monument is designed to evoke three symbolic yurt struts curving above an eternal flame. It…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    White House


    The seat of government in Kyrgyzstan, the sidewalk out front of this Stalinist Modern construction is also the site of regular protests organised by local…

  • Copyright Stephen Lioy - Photography and Travel Media

    Statue of Kurmanjan Datka


    Dedicated to the 'Queen of the Alay', this 19th-century stateswoman and tribal leader was famous in Kyrgyzstan long before being featured in a 2014 film…

  • Belogorka Waterfall


    The 60m Belogorka Waterfall is one of the most impressive in the Bishkek area. The surrounding valley is dominated by a sharply pointed spike of mountain…

  • Ata-Beyit Memorial Complex


    This memorial complex, the name of which means 'Grave of Our Fathers' in Kyrgyz, commemorates a mass grave in which the bodies of 137 local intelligentsia…

  • Twin Waterfall


    A string of souvenir stalls leads to this 23m waterfall. Though the falls themselves are only worth a quick look, you can escape the summer crowds by…

  • Kurmanjan Datka Museum


    Dedicated to Kyrgyzstan's very own 'Queen of the Alay', Gulcha's ethnography and history museum is most notable for exhibits on the local female chieftain…

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