St Jago de la Vega Cathedral

Built in 1714, this is the oldest Anglican cathedral in the Caribbean, boasting an impressive beamed ceiling, and a magnificent stained-glass window behind the altar. The church stands on the site of one of the first Spanish cathedrals in the Americas, built in 1525. Note the gargoyles with African features, considered unique in the world, above the south window.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

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On the south side of Parade Sq you pass the fenced-off Courthouse Ruins, destroyed in 1986 by fire. The Georgian building dates from 1819, when it was…

2. House of Assembly

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On the eastern side of Parade Sq is the redbrick House of Assembly, erected in 1762 and today housing the offices of the St Catherine Parish Council. It…

3. Parade

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5. Rodney Memorial

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6. Old King’s House Ruins

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7. National Archives

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8. Old Iron Bridge

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