Da Codroma stands on a picturesque canal side

Da Codroma


In a city plagued by high prices and indifferent eating experiences, the shared wooden tables at Da Codroma are the antidote. Chef Nicola faithfully maintains Venetian traditions here, serving up il saor (cured sardines and prawns), bigoli in salsa (buckwheat pasta with anchovy and onions) and delicious semifreddo to locals and savvy tourists alike.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

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The neighbours called, and they want their grime back: when centuries of accumulated dirt were removed from the stone angels above the portals of…

2. Chiesa di San Sebastiano


Antonio Scarpignano’s relatively austere 1508–48 facade creates a sense of false modesty at this neighbourhood church. The interior is adorned with floor…

3. Scuola Grande dei Carmini

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4. Chiesa di San Nicolò dei Mendicoli

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6. V-A-C Foundation


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