Musica in Maschera


It's a gimmick for sure, but the Scuola Grande dei Carmini provides a sumptuous backdrop for classical concerts performed in masks and 18th-century costumes. Vivaldi's Four Seasons is a regular, and the instrumentalists are often joined by opera singers and ballet dancers.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Venice attractions

1. Scuola Grande dei Carmini

Seventeenth-century backpackers must have thought they’d died and gone to heaven at this magnificent confraternity clubhouse, dedicated to Our Lady of Mt…

2. Chiesa di San Sebastiano

0.16 MILES

Antonio Scarpignano’s relatively austere 1508–48 facade creates a sense of false modesty at this neighbourhood church. The interior is adorned with floor…

3. Chiesa di San Pantalon

0.17 MILES

It's not the prettiest from the outside, but the bald brick facade of this 17th-century church (rent by a concerning crack), doesn't give any indication…

4. Chiesa di San Raffaele Arcangelo

0.19 MILES

The neighbours called, and they want their grime back: when centuries of accumulated dirt were removed from the stone angels above the portals of…

5. Ca' Rezzonico

0.19 MILES

Baroque dreams come true at this Baldassare Longhena–designed Grand Canal palazzo (mansion), where a marble staircase leads to a vast gilded ballroom and…

6. Scuola Grande di San Rocco

0.25 MILES

Everyone wanted the commission to paint this building dedicated to St Roch, patron saint of the plague-stricken, so Tintoretto cheated: instead of…

7. V-A-C Foundation

0.26 MILES

Occupying a large palazzo with views over the Giudecca Canal, this beautiful new space for contemporary art was lovingly restored by the Russian V-A-C…

8. Chiesa di San Rocco

0.26 MILES

Built by Bartolomeo Bon between 1489 and 1508 to house the remains of its titular saint, beautiful St Roch's Church received a baroque facelift between…