Rocce Rosse

If you have a moment in Arbatax, head across the road from the port and behind the petrol station to the Rocce Rosse (red rocks). Like the ruins of some fairy-tale castle, these bizarre, weather-beaten rock formations dropping into the sea are well worth a camera shot or two, framed in the distance by the imperious cliffs of the southern Ogliastra and Golfo di Orosei.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Spiaggia delle Rose


To reach this glorious pine-backed beach – in Lotzorai, about 6km north of Tortolì – follow signs for the three camping grounds that are clustered just…

2. Isolotto di Ogliastra

2.44 MILES

Offshore are several islets, including the Isolotto di Ogliastra, a giant hunk of pink porphyritic rock rising 47m out of the water.

3. Monte Scoine

5.12 MILES

Rearing above the landscape like a bishop’s mitre, the crag of Monte Scoine attracts climbers to its bolted routes (4b to 6b), especially in summer when…

4. Il Golgo

10.12 MILES

This remarkable feat of nature – a 270m abyss just 40m wide at its base – is tucked high up on the Altopiano del Golgo. Its funnel-like opening is now…

5. Chiesa di San Pietro

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Standing lonesome on the Golgo plateau amid ancient olive trees, this humble late-16th-century church with its striking whitewashed facade is flanked by…

6. Cala Goloritzè

11.72 MILES

The last beachette of the gulf, Cala Goloritzè rivals the best. At the southern end, bizarre limestone formations soar away from the cliffside. Among them…

7. Cala Mariolu

12.88 MILES

Reachable only by boat or by a demanding three-hour trek from the Altopiano del Golgo, Cala Mariolu is arguably one of the most sublime spots on the coast…

8. Stazione dell’Arte Maria Lai

14.07 MILES

Housed in the old railway station, the outstanding Stazione dell’Arte Maria Lai showcases the emotive works of the late artist Maria Lai. Born in Ulassai…