Fontana delle Naiadi

Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

Built in the late 19th century, this fountain was originally decorated with four lions; these were replaced by sculptor Mario Rutelli's bronze naiads (water nymphs) in the early 20th century. The nudity of the four naiads, who surround the central figure of Glaucus wrestling a fish, was considered highly provocative at the time. Each naiad reclines on a creature symbolising water in a different form: a water snake (rivers), a swan (lakes), a lizard (streams) and a seahorse (oceans).

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo attractions

1. Piazza della Repubblica

Flanked by grand 19th-century neoclassical colonnades, this landmark piazza near Termini was laid out as part of Rome’s post-unification makeover. It…

3. Aula Ottagona

0.06 MILES

Hidden behind a stark rectangular facade, the Aula Ottagona (Octangonal Classroom) was once part of the Diocletian Bath complex. In the 1920s the huge…

6. Chiesa di San Paolo entro le Mura

0.15 MILES

With its stripy neo-Gothic exterior, Rome’s American Episcopal church is decorated with some unusual 19th-century mosaics designed by the Birmingham-born…

7. Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria

0.17 MILES

This modest church is an unlikely setting for an extraordinary work of art – Bernini’s extravagant sculpture, the Ecstacy of St Teresa.