Oenesu Waterfalln West Kupang district of Kupang regency which is part of East Nusa Tenggara province has a stunning natural beauty waterfall; Shutterstock ID 1624143865; your: Erin Lenczycki; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: Destination

Shutterstock / Fakhri Anindita


Kupang is the capital of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Despite the city’s scruffy waterfront, sprawling gnarl of traffic and a lack of eye-catching architectural elements, this is a place you can get used to. Besides, there are atmospheric markets in the centre, spots to relax beside locals and a smattering of nearby natural wonders. The energy can be contagious – it's a university town, after all – even if you're just popping in and out.


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