Nonna og Brynjuhús

Southeast Iceland

The turn-off to this super-cheerful, family-friendly hostel is 37km west of Klaustur (take Rte 211 south off the Ring Road, signposted 'Álftaver'). It's then another 8km to reach this working dairy and sheep farm. The house here has fun artwork, and 21 sleeping-bag beds (predominantly in bunk rooms), with shared bathroom and kitchen access.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Southeast Iceland attractions

1. Meðallandssandur

8.39 MILES

This outwash plain spreads across the Meðalland district south of Eldhraun and east of the river Kúðafljót (ie south of Kirkjubæjarklaustur). The sandy…

2. Hjörleifshöfði

13.55 MILES

About 13km east of Vík and just south of Rte 1, the small peak of Hjörleifshöfði (221m) rises above the black sands of Mýrdalssandur and offers good views…

3. Fjaðrárgljúfur

19.52 MILES

This darkly picturesque canyon, carved out by the river Fjaðrá, has been well and truly discovered, thanks to Instagrammers and one Justin Bieber (who…

4. Víkurkirkja

20.56 MILES

High above town, Vík’s 1930s church has stained-glass windows in spiky geometrical shapes and awesome village views.

5. Systrastapi

20.8 MILES

Religious connections are particularly strong around Klaustur. The prominent, stumpy rock pillar Systrastapi, near the line of cliffs about 1.5km west of…

6. Brydebúð

20.96 MILES

In town, the tin-clad house Brydebúð was built in Vestmannaeyjar in 1831 and moved to Vík in 1895. Today it houses the tourist office, the Halldórskaffi…

7. Landbrotshólar

21.67 MILES

West of the village and south of the Ring Road is this vast, dimpled, vivid-green pseudocrater field. Pseudocraters formed when hot lava poured over…

8. Systrafoss & Systravatn

21.73 MILES

At the western end of the village, the lovely double waterfall, Systrafoss, tumbles down the cliffs and a sign outlines three short walks in the pretty…