One of Haiti's biggest shantytowns was painted in a rainbow of psychedelic colors a few years back. The controversial project 'Beauty versus Poverty: Jalousie in Colours', is welcomed by some of the residents, and critiqued as purely cosmetic by others.

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Port-au-Prince & Around

Let’s admit the obvious: Port-au-Prince doesn’t have the image of somewhere you’d visit for fun. A true city of the developing world, just a couple of hours by air from Miami, the city was preceded by a reputation for impoverished chaos even before the 2010 earthquake shook it to its foundations. Years later the recovery is still slow going, the gulf between rich and poor remains as wide as ever, and the streets remain cluttered with trash and rubble.


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Wildlife & Nature

Ten things to know about visiting Haiti

Dec 28, 2015 • 5 min read