However determined you may be to reach Olymbos, allow time to take the precipitous spur road that drops seawards from the east-coast highway 17km north of…
Matt Munro
Celebrated for its wild mountains and blue coves, this long craggy island is among the least commercialised in Greece (although that is changing). Legend has it Prometheus and his Titans were born here, and with its cloud-wrapped villages and rugged beauty, there’s still something undeniably primal in the air. Homer mentions it in the 'The Iliad'. It's a lovely spot.
However determined you may be to reach Olymbos, allow time to take the precipitous spur road that drops seawards from the east-coast highway 17km north of…
To gain entry to the ancient chapel that houses this two-room museum, you need to call ahead to Irini, custodian of the keys. Having unlocked it, she’ll…
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