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The former East Berlin district of Friedrichshain is famous for high-profile GDR-era relics such as the longest surviving stretch of the Berlin Wall (the East Side Gallery), the socialist boulevard Karl-Marx-Allee and the former Stasi headquarters. But the area also stakes its reputation on having Berlin’s most rambunctious nightlife scene, with a glut of clubs and bars holding forth along Revaler Strasse and around the Ostkreuz train station. There’s also nice indie boutique shopping and a popular Sunday flea market around Boxhagener Platz.
Must-see attractions
Berlin’s oldest public park has provided relief from urbanity since 1840, but has been hilly only since the late 1940s, when wartime debris was piled up…
It’s easy to feel like Gulliver in the Land of Brobdingnag when walking down monumental Karl-Marx-Allee, one of Berlin's most impressive GDR-era relics…
With its jaunty towers and turrets, crenellated walls and arched walkways, the Oberbaumbrücke (1896) gets our nod for being Berlin’s prettiest bridge…
No matter if you grew up with Nimrod, Pac-Man, World of Warcraft or no games at all, this well-curated museum takes you on a fascinating trip down…
This jumble of derelict buildings is one of the last subcultural compounds in central Berlin. Founded in 1867 as a train repair station ('Reichsbahn…
The Holzmarkt urban village on the Spree is a perpetually evolving cultural open playground – and a nose-thumbing at the luxury lofts, hotels and office…
Comprising a gallery, a bookshop, artist studios, a concert room and a beer garden, this grassroots urban art hub is a top stop in the RAW Gelände…