This intriguing museum explores the adventures of Albi-born explorer Jean-François de Galaup (aka the Comte de Lapérouse), who made several pioneering naval expeditions around the Pacific between 1785 and 1788. Mysteriously, his ships disappeared without a trace towards the end of their voyage; subsequent expeditions suggested they may have been wrecked on reefs near the island of Vanikoro, halfway between the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
Musée de Lapérouse
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
0.28 MILES
Lodged inside the Palais de la Berbie (built in the early Middle Ages for the town's archbishop), this wonderful museum offers an overview of Albi's most…
0.33 MILES
Resembling a castle more than a cathedral, this formidable edifice in orange brick rises above Vieil Albi like an apparition. Its defensive walls hark…
21.51 MILES
High on a hilltop 150m above a hairpin bend in the River Aveyron, Najac’s fortress looks as if it's fallen from the pages of a fairy tale: slender towers…
Centre National et Musée Jean Jaurès
22.97 MILES
If you’re wondering why almost every French town seems to have a ‘rue Jean Jaurès’, this museum has everything you need to know about the father of French…
23.22 MILES
This excellent gallery on the 1st floor of Castres' Hôtel de Ville has a collection of mostly Spanish art, including work by Picasso, Rusiñol, Velázquez…
12.69 MILES
This well-organised winegrowers' cooperative is a great place to get acquainted with Gaillac wines. It stocks about 100 local vintages. Friendly,…
21.5 MILES
Two hundred metres below the Forteresse Royale de Najac is the austere 13th-century Église St-Jean, constructed and financed by local villagers on the…
29.46 MILES
The enormous 15th-century Collégiale Notre Dame has a never-completed bell tower and choir stalls, ornamented with a menagerie of comical and cheeky…
Nearby attractions
0.12 MILES
This 19th-century bridge across the River Tarn provides a fine perspective over Albi's pink-bricked cathedral.
0.28 MILES
Lodged inside the Palais de la Berbie (built in the early Middle Ages for the town's archbishop), this wonderful museum offers an overview of Albi's most…
0.33 MILES
Resembling a castle more than a cathedral, this formidable edifice in orange brick rises above Vieil Albi like an apparition. Its defensive walls hark…
4. Collégiale & Cloître Saint-Salvi
0.33 MILES
This delicate church is worth a look for its lovely 13th-century cloister whose columns are decorated with Gothic and Romanesque flourishes.
0.39 MILES
Lodged in a timber-framed medieval building, this museum houses a small exhibition on the city's history and its connections with Toulouse-Lautrec.
12.69 MILES
This well-organised winegrowers' cooperative is a great place to get acquainted with Gaillac wines. It stocks about 100 local vintages. Friendly,…
13.26 MILES
Feel stress melt away as you idle by frog-filled ponds and under shady palm trees in these sculpted flower gardens.
21.5 MILES
Two hundred metres below the Forteresse Royale de Najac is the austere 13th-century Église St-Jean, constructed and financed by local villagers on the…