Pharaoh’s Island

About 7km south of Taba and 250m off the Egyptian coast, this tiny islet in turquoise waters is dominated by the much-restored Castle of Salah Ad Din. The castle was originally a fortress built by the Crusaders in 1115, but was captured and expanded by Saladin in 1170 as a bulwark against feared Crusader penetration south from Palestine.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Underwater Observatory Marine Park

4.46 MILES

The stand-out feature of this aquarium complex, hugely popular with families, is the observatory, which takes you 12m below the surface of the Red Sea…

2. Coral Beach Nature Reserve


The crystal-clear waters of this 1km-long reserve are the best place on the Israeli Red Sea coast for snorkelling. Access to the reef wall is by two…

3. Village Beach

5.33 MILES

Situated just north of Coral Beach, this section of South Beach has free umbrellas, clean water for snorkelling and a bar hosting loud parties during…

4. Dolphin Reef Eilat

6.34 MILES

This privately run beach is famous for its abundant shade trees, free-range peacocks and resident pod of semi-wild bottlenose dolphins. Originally from…

5. Aqaba Aquarium

7.05 MILES

This aquarium is part of the Aqaba Marine Science Station, although its location in the shadow of the ferry terminal doesn't make you feel particularly…

6. Dekel Beach

7.45 MILES

Wedged between the port and the naval base about 1.5km south of the city centre, Dekel is less crowded than North Beach and is a popular snorkelling spot.

7. Eilat Museum

8.32 MILES

Tells the fascinating history of Israel's Red Sea outpost. Exhibits cover the capture of Eilat in 1949 and include some great photos of the city's…

8. North Beach

8.36 MILES

Pebbly North Beach and its promenade are often very crowded – for some people, that's one of the main draws. This is by far the most popular place in…