Eduardo Vega


Just below the Mirador de Turi – and 4km south of the center – is the home, workshop and studio of Eduardo Vega, Ecuador’s most important ceramic artist. His colorful terracotta and enamel murals grace walls all over Cuenca and the rest of Ecuador. Sculpture, vases and plates are for sale.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Cuenca attractions

1. Mirador de Turi

0.04 MILES

For a lovely view of Cuenca, take a taxi ($5) 4km south of town along Avenida Solano to the stark white Church of Turi. The views of Cuenca’s famous,…

2. Río Yanuncay

0.61 MILES

About 1km south of the Old Town's La Escalinita staircase, this peacefully wending river has tree-clad bankside green space perfect for a picnic. Upriver,…

3. Planetario Ciudad de Cuenca

1.23 MILES

If you speak Spanish, Cuenca's planetarium screens its show twice daily. Morning screenings usually require a reservation.

4. Archaeological Park

1.36 MILES

Walk through the extensive ruins of buildings believed to be part the old Incan city of Tomebamba. Thanks to the Spanish conquistadors who carted off most…

5. Inca Ruins

1.37 MILES

A patch of Inca ruins lies near the river, between the east end of Larga and Av Todos los Santos. Most of the stonework was destroyed to build colonial…

7. Museo Manuel Agustín Landivar

1.38 MILES

At the east end of Calle Larga, this museum has archaeological exhibits and tours of the Ruinas de Todos Santos, which reveal Cañari, Inca and Spanish…

8. Puente Roto

1.38 MILES

Most of this bridge, above a pretty stretch of Paseo 3 de Noviembre, was washed away during a flood, but its stone arches make a nice venue for an open…